I watched both the episodes twice, and now I'm ready to comment.
WHOA. Grey's Anatomy is baaaack!
Had his mitral valve gotten too thick?
Is that what made the cadaver so sick?
Addison Montgomery
He met her in the summer
She was cutting up a very dead body
And in her eyes I saw my life
I knew that she would be my wife
And she would breathe the life back into me
For every day until eternity
Or until I'd be as dead as that body.
• CRAPPY PROMOS! There's no Addek kiss. MEAN PEOPLE.
• OMG DEREK WROTE ADDISON A SOOOOONG! Isn't it the best song ever?? Come on guys: now we McMarried have a song!! How lucky we are?? This is the coolest thing ever. PLUS, they sang it in front od Meredith. Thanks Shonda!
See them again made my heart beat fast fast ♥♥ Best couple ever. Oh, their glances though the OR, and the bar scene *____* Have you seen Addison's face when Mark told her about the proposal and Derek's reaction? They still care about each other so much.
• Why don't they make a spinoff/flashback in NY?? Addison, Derek, Naomi, Sam, Mark and Archer had to be amazing together. Fuck the SGH interns!!
• Bailey's comment about Addison's hair xDD
• Ahahha Archer hates Derek LOL Really nice. Power!fight.
• Lexie is great. Izzie just annoies me A LOT: why does she has to be so damn cheerful now? Please.
And, yeah: most quotable episode ever.
• Bailey: "You cut your hair."
Addison: "Oh, yeah."
Bailey: "I like it."
• Derek: "He's groggy, his eyes are open, but I don't think he's awake because he hasn't tried to kill me. Her brother hates me."
Addison: "People pick sides in a divorce, Derek."
Derek: "He picked sides in the marriage."
• Naomi: "What the hell happened? I mean, you--you wrote Addison a song, Derek."
Derek: "Can we just forget about the song? Enough about the song."
Naomi: "What? You wrote her her own love song and you sang it to her at the wedding."
Derek: "Mark wrote it or Sam--somebody. I don't remember who it was."
Naomi: "I was drunk at the time, but I remember, and I remember thinking you guys were gonna last forever, that we were all gonna last forever."
• Mark: "Greatest love song of all time. Did you guys get to the part where Derek rhymes "gross anatomy class" with "Addison's fine ass"? Cause I wrote that line."
• Addison: "I put... you in a... tiny box. After the divorce,I made you... petty and inconsequential and nothing special so that you could fit into this tiny... little box that would help me get out of bed in the morning. But now... now I have to take you out of the box because... I need to believe that,uh,you can do this,that you can save my brother. I need you to be a god. just today... be a god.
• Bailey: "What is she doing?"
Chief: "It looks like she's praying."
Sam: "Mm,no. Addie doesn't pray."
Callie: "What is she doing?"
Naomi: "uh, she's praying."
Callie: "No, Addison doesn't pray. She must be hiding."
Addison: "I can hear you. And I'm not hiding. I am trying to pray, but I don't know how to pray because I'm a wasp,and we only go to church on Christmas."
• Callie: "Dear God, I need your guidance. I kissed a peds surgeon. I never thought I'd end up with a woman, God, but--I mean, not until lately--but that--that's not the problem. The prlem is the peds thing. She's--she's perky... and has butterflies on her scrub cap. But she'S... also hot... really hot. So... Help me get over the butterflies. Amen. You're an amazing doctor. You save babies. God knows who you are."
• Addison: "Say it, Derek. Come on, say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it. Say it."
Derek: "Okay, everybody. It's a beautiful day to save lives."
• Addison: "Okay, wait, wait. If we call Meredith the 12 year old,what--what do we call Lexie,a preschooler?"
• Addison: "You... you were a god today. You were a god in that O.R. You slew dragons,you walked on water. You... you were a god, but now... now you need to get very tiny again... and go back in the box."
Seattle Grace Hospital
• I think this part was most beautiful than the episode before.
• OMG Derek. He's insane O__O Addie shows up, and he starts to freak out. This isn't exacly good, but let's look to bright side: he DOES something. He became so boring in this season. He and his girlfriend. He was only Meredith's boyfriend. I love to see more of Derek himself. He was wrong to push Addie in that way. I missed their fights! xDD Derek screaming O___O Did anyone else notice that these scenes are really similar?
• YAY for poisoner!Addie. Ahaha I loved her speech ♥
• NO WAY Mama Shepherd loves Meredith and hates Addison. That's NOT possible. She has to be sick LOL Addie is such an adorable person! Everyone loves her. The more you know her, the more you fall in love with her. I'm speechless.
• Also nice Addisex scene: they have such a tender relationship.
Oceanside Wellness
• Nothing special, really.
• Charlotte is right. Cooper is too involved in this situation. I understand he wants to be a good friend, but this is going too far.
• I think Pete is right too. Why didn't Violet think that Pete would love to raise his own (?) child?
I need PP subtitles to write down the quotes xDD