Yesterday morning, I had this pretty epic dream, which I don't remember, except for the very end where I fell off a cliff and landed on my back. Then last night, it happened for real. More about that later.
This past week has been weird. The ventilation system in my building was broken most of the week, so it was 90 degrees in my office. Combined with the actual weather changes outside, I was pretty certain I was going to get sick, and although I tried to get sick, by not getting enough sleep and water, and by hanging out with sick people, I didn't actually get sick.
Thursday night, I had dinner at Totoro with
pickyeater and Evan, to celebrate my sister's new job. Friday night, I did more hanging out with pickyeater and her friends, then we caught a bit of the Johnstown Cats show. Saturday morning,
technolope headed off to Maryland again, and I stayed home all day working on models.
Here's the current state of the modeling projects. The F59PH is nearly complete. It just needs cab sunshades, fuel fillers, and front nameplate and it will be done. It did try several more times last week to relegate itself to the scrap bin by getting dropped, and then getting a bad clear coat, but in the end I prevailed. I also cleaned and inspected the Superliner cars that are not currently part of the Rider's display.
I also watched Alien Resurrection on TV Saturday night. I was really looking forward to that movie, but was warned away from it when it did come out, so I never actually saw it until now. I actually liked it. Maybe it was my low expectations. Maybe I was in the mood for really bad sci-fi. Most likely it was Winona Ryder. Yeah.
Sunday, I did some hanging out with
captainblack, Drusilla,
bjorng, and K at the Tower for a comic and art book reading fest. It was good to nerd out, even if it wasn't at U-Con, which is where I would have gone to laugh at the geeks, but then wish I was playing.
After getting back home, I went for a run, since I was feeling really antsy after not getting much of a chance to work out for a couple of weeks now. Since it was still raining, I decided to use my old shoes, so I wouldn't get my usual running shoes wet and dirty. This brings us back to the very beginning of this post. Somewhere in the woods around mile 6 or so, a combination of wet leaves and bald shoe tread led to me sliding off the trail and over the cliff. It would have been cool if I was having a shootout with an agent, or swordfighting a balrog on the way down, but no such luck. What was fortunate is the drop was only 10 feet or so onto wet leaves, so all I got was a bruised tailbone and left shoulder. Ow.
After I got cleaned up and laughed at,
pickyeater and I went to see the Brian Lillie and a Couple of Squirrels show at Old Town. In all, Sunday was inspirational. I've been inspired to draw, paint, write music, and not fall off any more cliffs.