On Hold Music, brought to you by... City of Seattle!

Feb 27, 2008 14:57


Apparently, there is a department in the City of Seattle whose mission statement includes improving the quality of "on hold" music by featuring various local artists.

In case you have no reason to be on hold with the City of Seattle, their hold music is also available as an audiostream, complete with an archive of past hold music mixes. Or if you want to listen to City of Seattle hold music while waiting for non-City-of-Seattle events, (at the bus stop or in the grocery store, for example) you can bring it with you on your iPod by subscribing to the iTunes podcast. There are also links to Amazon in case you want to purchase the music you have just listened to.

Now, don't get me wrong. I think this is actually pretty cool. To my mind, when management talks about "synergy", this is the kind of improbable scenario I come up with and everyone laughs at. But it works! And now I have a concrete example to point to!
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