Title (and quote of the day) from Neil Gaiman's awesome
"I, Cthulhu." Fuel -
The Obakemono Project. Japanese monsters and origins; eminently adaptable for lots of things.
Nice to see the United States show up in force on election night (because I was starting to wonder after the last time). I did smile when one of the voters said it made a difference on this occasion because everyone's new. Having woken up to the news that Barack Obama is now President, I'm a little more hopeful for things yet there's a long way to go. Time will be the arbiter.
Redevelopment of the property is about to begin. I can confirm the 'Cleanse it with fire' party on the 15th. For which we need some willing agents of furniture destruction. We will have limes for the Corona and there will be real beer and fruit juice if you can't cope with that.
Today there's going to be a business continuity plan test which means I'll be mostly unavailable. Tonight involves computer repair and the likely observation of the ignition of explosives and rare earths to commemorate our last attempt at failed treason.