Mutant Chronicles - Interesting. Cast deliver. Some very steampunk iconography and while the blood spattering was a bit high-gloss against the mire, it wasn't as bad as say, John Rambo. Nice to see Sean Pertwee covered in mud and gore again.
State funeral planned for Baroness Kesteven yet to happen but concern over troop shortage for London streets. It's not very often I get annoyed but in this case I'll make the exception. To put this into context, William Winston Churchill (thanks
crashbarrier!) was the only PM in the last century who earned a state funeral. To compare what Churchill did and what the Baroness did is to compare gold with brass IMHO.
RIAA & SafeNet (was MediaSentry) caught in a lie in court. Now this should be fun given the RIAA's track record in court. You know if most businesses made that many goofs, they'd be in it up to their earlobes. Let's see what happens next...