SINergy last night rocked. I have to put down thoughts, post-session briefs and stuff before it all leaks out my head. Mad props to the new players who dived in and had fun, mad props to the crew and the last-minute helpers, hell everyone gets a pat on the back. We lit a fire last night. Being shouted at by a half-inebriated woman to come into the pub post-session was the icing on the cake but at that point we all had kebab and post-session frothage on our minds.
Now. X-7, what are we going to do with you?
It's not an extended weekend really. I'm just processing. Making paper-mache balloons of unusual thickness and density in homage to a Rule7 post about making resilient armour and given the junk mail that hits our door it seems like a good way to recycle and get props together. I got to feel all crafty while
absintheskiss got to look on with that faintly bemused 'no no like this...' way I do when someone else uses a computer. A humbling experience but enjoyable and necessary.
Mum sold her house this weekend. It's not long before she goes to Turkey or Cyprus now and I need to start thinking how I squirrel together enough airfare to see my family on a regular basis in addition to the other stuff in my headspace. Suddenly the credit cards are singing siren songs and spring is in the air. That's not a good combination for a man in my condition. Seriously.
Clean energy from brewing waste products. Now THAT is so very much more like it. Suddenly my hidden dream of becoming a ecologically-friendly microbrewer in a sandstone cave in Nottingham is a little closer to real. It's a little dream but it's one which someone inspired in me some time ago and I have been wondering how I'd deal with the waste products but this looks like a viable solution.
Coffee + Yerba Mate = Oh. My. Not the thing you show to an insomniac. Not the thing to show an IT bod. BAD SCIENCE! An interesting reference to the Space Merchants and their addictive coffee. However, I may have to try the caffeine-free yerba mate first from the local health shop to see if it works having been stung by Rocket Fuel before.
Another version of the truth -
censorship on Fox News about the BGH in American milk.
QOTD: "There is debate among scientists over whether the kiss is an innately human practice, or one that we fortuitously acquired along the way. Some trace it to the mother who made the first mouth-to-mouth transfer of pre-chewed food to her child; others to prettier biological Eureka-moments. But in general it is agreed that people kiss in private mainly because it is nice." --
New York Times article on kissing and the controversies sparked in India & Iran over public kisses.
Photoshop fetishists may find the following items of interest.
Another item.
Yet another item.
If you want to go see something in London without going solely for the Star Wars exhibition,
this may also be of interest.
And.. special bonus. If you're down and feeling blue