...who has subjected
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and
300 to her fifteen minute treatment.
Now, this is just for
Dogster and
Catster. Evil, moi? That slurping sound is the Interweb sucking another life down... :-P
evil Asian hornets who pester Japan and China are coming to France and decimating the local honey industry. I imagine the Channel Tunnel will have some rather large nets draped over them at some point. Or they could fill them with smoke or something ;-) We will have to be vigilant as they create 'football-shaped' nests. I can only imagine the resulting horror...
Bill Bailey tickets purchased for the Nottingham leg of the
Tinselworm tour. In other news, tinselworms have legs.
Don't know if I mentioned this... the Iron Man movie has a still from it.
Looks cool.