Frienderiffic meme from
kath_ballantyne :)
My LiveJournal Friends
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NardVille In other news, I LOVE my Gender and Sexuality class. And you know what's awesome? When you say something in class, and the prof kind of stops, looks at you, and says "huh! That's a really good point, I hadn't thoughto f that!" I LOVE that! Of course, gender and sexuality is kind of a sweet spot for me, and having taken Bodylore last semester really helps. Well, except that the chick from that class that I was sleeping with briefly apparently prefers to pretend that I am not even in the same room, which is starting to get tedious. But, in general actually, all of my classes are pretty shiny and spiffy! Two folklorists and one post-colonialist: could I BE any happier? (Please refer me back to this post when I start bitching in a few weeks, kthnx.)
And in HUGE-load-off-my-mind news, I just filled out my FAFSA (financial aid application), which involved going through my 1040 tax form... yikes! Headache! I'm SO glad that my cousin is an accountant and does this for me every year - I'm terrified of doing something wrong! The good news is that my "expected family contribution" is about $2000, which is down from $15,000 last year. What a difference a few months as a full time student, with no earned income to speak of, and a couple thousand dollars in tuition/education tax credits can make! More good news? I can probably expect a SWEET refund this year, and not a moment too soon, as I'm starting to panic about how the hell I'm going to get by this summer...
Watch this space, though, because I plan to start doing
Slumber Parties just as soon as my name is my name, legally (not long now!), so any ladies in the mid-Atlantic region who want to get their lust on - by themselves or with a partner - you be sure to let me know! We will BOOK YOU A PARTY and rock and roll!
Upshot? Wednesday=so far, so good.