May 10, 2006 20:53
Letter Meme
The letter meme is where you are given a certain letter by a person, and you write 10 important things that start with that letter. Christine has given me the letter B. If you comment asking for a letter, I will give you one (which is doubtful that anyone will haha). So, here it goes! cat! He is awesome, fattest cat in the East and proud of it! Often mistaken as a little dog, Button is extremely loving, especially when you have food around. He never causes any trouble and I like to say he is the perfect gentleman! I like to lay on his stomach as a pillow, shhhhh, don't tell anyone. He likes to spend his days laying in the sun and if its winter, parking his butt in front of the heat grate. He loves being petted under his chin on his brown spot and is unique for having a brown and pink nose.....all of this makes him awesome and hte puuuurfect cat! I love him!!!!!
Beaches....not the movie, actual ocean beaches. The salty air as the ocean wind blows the sand all around and the seagulls diving and cawing for food are the perfect setting. At dusk, beaches seem to take on a magical essence with a huge unknown- the vast expanse of the ocean continuing on. The beach is where my favorite childhood memories come from and it stands for my favorite place in the world- the Cape.
Books....just awesome. My favorite form of entertainment. There is nothing like laying on my bed and experiencing that out of this world feeling of living as someone else. My favs are Harry Potter and any Jane Austen. Summer to me in part is described by reading as many books as i can :0)
Baseball...a classic way to spend an evening. Baseball can have a supernatural feel to it on a given night. Rooting for your team to win, its a nice feeling. The Red Sox are totally important to me,and they are a huge part of where I live. Some of the teams are way more important than others, espeicaly the season i first watched, that team was great to me haha and Fenway is awesome!! :)Baseball to me means summer too!
Boston!...i love this city! Sure the streets are messed up, but its the best! The common is great, but I prefer the garden, man they have the hugest, prettiest tulips there!! I love the freedom trail, and i love entering and seeing the city line against the harbor! When i was little it was a huge deal to go into Boston and I hope it always stays that way
Beatles...perhaps the best band ever. I listen to them and it's awe inspiring that this one band has written so many classics, they were just so cool too....
Bachelor and the fav Cary Grant movie! I love Cary, he was so debonair (sp?) and charming and he plays the suavest this movie he shows his comic skills and he was hilarious and every movie with him in it i love! I wish guys like him, the characters he plays, were still around!
Blockbuster movies...i love em! I love sitting in a crowded theater and experiencing action, excitement, or comedy with a bunch of strangers, its so cool! Movies have that quality of escape thats awesome and i cant wait for this summers slot of movies!
Bikes...they are fun and they define huge chunks of my childhood. Sometimes going really really fast on a bike is the closest i will be to flying.
Baking...I love food and i love cooking for other people. I like to find recipes to make and see how they come out! Since cooking starts with a C, i went with the next best thing, baking. Baking is fun too! You get to eat batter and baking makes me think of holidays and getting the desserts ready for when the family comes over and thats cool.
So there is the list of B's! There is more than what i orginally thought I could get: honorbale mentions that did not fit my list include Berries and Bloom, Orlando cuz hes nice to look at :) Well this was a ncie way to aviod studying! My first final tomorrow. End of the year is always weird adn sad, but even though i really dont have that i cant wait till summer feeling this year im gonna try and act a little excited about it because this could potentially be my last time to be excited about it and not worried about my future. Well ill update more later before i leave school, wow time need to slow down....have good days everyone :0)