Mysteries from the interpants...

Jun 19, 2011 02:03

1. What became of those prints from a 2xcreative project that I sent on to Chicago to be signed by the co-creator and then sent to me so I could sign and sell them? They got to Chicago and then what?

2. Where in the ether is the quilt from the quilt top I sent off to be quilted in trade for a painting? This one gnaws at my soul because the spouse and I pieced the quilt top together and spent many hours planning, cutting and sewing and I feel like I let him down by misplacing it. I often mull over how I can recreate it but I lost the photos of the pattern we did when my pc crashed a few years ago and the fabric is no longer available.

Really, all I want is answers at this point since the objects are lost to the ages I fear.

It may just be the USPS...


lost and found, quilts, painting, paintings, mysteries, prints, print

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