Michael Martin reviews the 2009 IFComp: Part 3 of 3

Oct 17, 2009 03:28

Previous installments include Part 1 and Part 2.

This final installment provides reviews of The Hangover, Grounded in Space, Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort, Rover's Day Out, The Grand Quest, Spelunker's Quest, Condemned, and GATOR-ON, Friend of Wetlands!.

The observant among you may have noticed that I have no "Taking out the Trash" entry this year; the overall quality was high enough that the number of "What on Earth were you thinking when you thought this was ready to submit" entries was quite low indeed.

Furthermore, while the average scores I gave this year were somewhat lower than my normal average, within each tier (waste of time, competent-but-unimpressive, and worth-pushing-on-others) there was a strong bias towards the top of the range.

So it's been a good three weeks all around. Thanks, entrants. Even the ones whose entries I savaged.

comp09, interactive fiction

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