15th-Century Typo Demon Discovered

Oct 13, 2009 20:51

Thanks to gnolam in #code, I have been pointed to The Myroure of Oure Ladye: containing a devotional treatise on divine service, with a translation of the offices used by the sisters of the Brigittine monastery of Sion, at Isleworth, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries - in the section written by one Thomas Gascoigne (1403-1458) we receive this passage...And when he came before the Abbot, waytynge yf oughte had escaped hym, that he myghte haue gotten and put in hys bagge; the Abbot was astoned and aferde of the foulenes and mysshape of hym, and sayde vnto hym. What art thow; And he answered and sayd. I am a poure dyuel, and my name ys Tytyuyllus, & I do myne offyce that is commytted vnto me. And what is thyne offyce sayd the Abbot, he answeryd I muste eche day he sayde brynge my master a thousande pokes full of faylynges, & of neglygences in syllables and wordes, that ar done in youre order in redynge and in syngynge. & else I must be sore beten.
Emphasis mine.

In particular, the emphasis that he must each day bring his dark master A THOUSAND BAGS OF FAIL.

I'm sure the Internet has made his life much easier.


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