Jun 18, 2010 02:00
Day 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative)
Dear Christina,
I'm sorry I make fun of you. It isn't because you're straight and I want a lesbian sister. Daddy just likes to bring up my sexuality periodically to check that it hasn't changed without straight up asking. I make fun of you because you're the skinny/pretty one and you have friends at an age when I didn't and you're so insanely normal that you don't belong in our house. Where is your social awkwardness? What happened?
Day 5 - Your dreams
Dear dreams,
I don't know about y'all. Night dreams, come back. I miss you. And you're a better indicator of my current level of mental stability than daydreams. Daydreams, you need to pull it together. You've been acting up lately and I'm ashamed. You are not night dreams. I'm sorry, but you don't have that Id freedom (lol who actually believes Freud) so you need to keep it mostly conscious.
Day 6 - A stranger
Dear stranger,
I don't know you. Obviously. I hope we'd be friends but I can't guarantee it. I hope you'd teach me something but I don't know if everything is a lesson. Are there right and wrong lessons? Ah, who am I kidding. I'm trying to be deep, but I'm tired and I really just want you to point me to some sexy fanfiction.
Day 7 - Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Dear Catherine,
Hi. I don't know that I have anything to say that I haven't already said to your face. Well, your AIM face. I don't know. I guess I hope the whole after-Barcelona thing won't turn into a Lollapalooza repeat, but a year is a long time and who knows what will happen in that time. When we planned Lolla we were secretly crushing and by the time it rolled around, I could barely speak to you without feeling sick. I hope no more drama occurs between us, but I think we're drama magnets. Well, you're a drama magnet. So yeah. I wrote this to you because you're the closest thing to an ex I have.
Day 8 - Your favorite internet friend
I should talk to you more. I should send you Lambert vids and stuff. I don't for fear that the conversation will die quickly and I'll feel sad and awkward. I forget all our epic hours-long convos. What happened to that?
I don't remember if you're still on my f-list and you probably won't read this anyway, but I was legit in love with you for, like, three months. You made me realize I was bisexual, which has now progressed to the ambiguous equivalent of full-on lesbian. So thank you, I guess. I'm still not sure if you're real or not, though. It's been 3 years and I'm still alive and unraped/kidnapped, so I'll guess that all the personal info I stupidly gave you was not put to good use. Or bad use. I don't know. Anyway, you were my first favorite internet friend, so I felt you should go here. Also, you were my first girl crush. That's pretty huge. For me it is, at least.
Stay classy,