Nov 21, 2008 22:01
Here I was getting on to bitch about my problems in the most vague manner possible so as not to make the identities of the involved parties obvious.
And then it occurred to me...
What have I posted besides bitching and complaints an insecurities.
Sure, the random furry!spam or meme or gush, but is that really enough to counteract the angsty teenage whinings about how my life sucks?
So now it's time for a happy!post:
Today, Trez played with my boobs. I avoided sitting on the buttrape pole, as that's had disastrous results before--let's just say I now have one less pair of jeans. I shared fries with Conor, whose penis was once again EVERYWHERE. It always is. John deep-throated my ice cream cone. The whole thing. A good 6.5 inches. Completely in his mouth. I got nowhere close to that when I tried. Sometimes I'm glad I like women more. Sometimes? Who am I kidding? ALL THE TIME. Except when I'm doing something where my lesbianism is a handicap. But that almost never happens. I avoid those situations. I still lack the courage to tell people that I like them. That's nothing new. Fear of rejection, I guess. And here I go getting negative again. Damn. Oprah is amazing. 4srs. I now owe Catherine more cookies and sexual favors than can be given/performed in a lifetime. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Nick made these amazing beats for Autumn's rap me. They are in no way related to the election... >> Sometimes I'm afraid I'm too clingy but I'm too impulsive to stop myself. Compulsively impulsive. That's kind of redundant. But anyway, the track is amazing. He sent me this awesome techno one too. If I were to go straight for an un-famous person, it would be for Nick. The six pack helps, too. And not beer. I went in the herpes bathroom and almost died the other day. Then we went upstairs and found a condom wrapper. Someone said they have motion sensors up there now. I miss reading fic. OH SHIT. I KNOW A FIC I COULD READ. I gave up on NaNoWriMo. Maybe next year, when I don't have two consecutive classes in which I have to write essays every other day. Damn, I've ranted a lot. I am doing a fic challenge, though. I wish my dad were like my friends, so I could just scribble him a quick fic for his birthday on Tuesday. At least Tuesday is a good day. Maybe I'll magically find five bucks and walk down to Dunkin Doughnuts to get him a surprise when he comes home. Dude. I've always wanted to go in a sex shop. Ooh... bad transition. >< But while I'm on the subject, I HAVE to get the "Thanks Masturbation!" shirt. HAVE TO. My sister's mouse changes colors. I miss all my music. ;_; It's on the desktop and my mom lost the password. I thought that last sentence in Spanish for some reason, but I couldn't write it in Spanish because my mom's laptop doesn't do accented vowels for some reason. I should fix that. Lykke Li is kind of a little bit awesome. I want to slash her with someone. She would've been great with Alicia. Too bad I already posted my claim. But still. Sexy music. Mr. George has a lot of awesome music like that. He's pretty beast. Mr. King is all "BOBDYLANOMG-dies-," so I dunno 'bout him. Not dissing Bob Dylan, lord no, but Mr. King being all fangirly with him... O.o Not as cool as being fangirly over Bowie, imo. The gay channel has good music. EWWWWW BLOOD ON TV. -shudder- And not the good, lesbian vampire kind, either. My feet are cold and I want to cuddle with someone. O HAI SOPHIE. Dogs can be handy at times. I guess I should wrap this sucker up. Now I've thoroughly violated your f-lists. Know that I love you all. ♥ Some more than others, but hey, I'm human. We're conditioned to judge things and places and people. Nouns. Ooh... I'm supposed to catch up on sleep tonight. I'll lurk a bit and then get to work on that. Speaking of which: I didn't fail, but I got in the seventies on that test. But everyone did. What my teacher doesn't know yet (or didn't know at the time he told me I got a 70-something) is that I didn't finish the essay. I wrote one sentence. "King Louis XIV is considered by some the greatest example of absolutism." And speaking of quotes, we watched a video before the test. DIRECT QUOTE. "Oates was stout, homosexual and extraordinarily ugly." Said by an old English guy that looks like John McCain's cousin. It's hilarious. Anyway. Hey, I really am sleepy. I think I might be more sloth than koala. Or SQUIRREL. Squirrels are hyper and they hibernate in the winter. I never fell asleep in the summer. I bet that's it. I'm a squirrel. Good to know. So koala isn't necessarily contagious after all. :D
Edit: Oh my god... Rescued by Jack's Mannequin just came on and I started crying. I'm a bit too emotionally unstable right now. That sleep thing I'd been talking about? Yeah, I think I'll do that now.
deep throat,
lykke li,
european history,