Swingin on Trapeze

Apr 19, 2008 18:49

I have had quite a busy april so far! And its been a while since ive posted, so i thought id give it a go.

My parents came to visit, and it was great. we went to a condo up north in Boyne, MI and its beautiful country up there, very hilly and remote. They also stayed at my house for a bit, and it was lovely spending time with them. :)

I've been trying to be more "green" as they call it, and have just been a little more conscious of my footprint as of late. SO I'm getting in the habit of riding my bike to work (3 miles each way), ive done it three times in the past week and ahalf, and it feels great. Id like to try doing it 2-3 times a week on a normal basis. It feels so good now that the weather has turned to just be outside period, and then getting excersize and all that jazz is coolio.

We saw Iron and Wine in Royal Oak last night (with Califone). it was pretty effing sweet. Right up at the stage watching the magic of those musicians was wonderful. i highly reccomend that show to anyone and everyone. Sam Bean sang Trapeze Swinger acoustic to open and it was the highlight of my night. deliscious.

When we were up north, we stopped by a used bookstore and perused the merch for a while, and i found this really neat old book called The Worlds Best Loved Poetry. I've been flipping through it and they have some lovely things in there that i either hadnt ever read, or not read in a while. best 6 bucks ive spent all month. :)

Oh, and i bought a couple new cds too, "Panic at the Disco" and "The Hush Sound". Theyre both very very good. Ive been listenign to PATD while i ride my bike around. :)

Well, im off, lucys friend is coming for a sleepover and i want to get her rooms picked up and possibly shower. possibly. lol.
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