Calling all prospective members!
First off, you need to know that we love to have a lot of active members here, so we are happy if you request to join. The more, the merrier...
But of course there is a 'but'...
Membership is moderated, but if you send a request we will check you out as quickly as possible. We lock this community for a reason: We want control over who sees our stuff, for both personal and professional reasons.
We therefore check the lj of every person that requests membership.
Which criteria apply?
It's really basic.
Before applying, make sure:
→ that you're not using a Twitter or Facebook account to join. It makes it hard for us to see if you're eligible for membership, especially if your profile is private.
→ that you don't have your private messages disabled. If you do, your membership request will be rejected.
To be accepted you
01 ...must have been a lj member for at least 6 months. If you are less than 6 months a member you will be rejected but you can re-apply for membership when you are a lj member long enough.
02 must have an approved email adress.
03 ...your journal and/or request must indicate something about you. You must have at least a semi-active journal -we don’t accept “empty” journals.
04 should have an LJ account. We do not accept Facebook/Twitter account requests.
05 should have a basic knowledge of the English language so you can read the entries AND comment in English.
06 ...make sure you read and understood the rules before joining. You can find our rules in our
profile To keep it simple:
You have to be a member of LJ for at least six (6) months. If you just joined you have to wait.....
If your 'user info' page is blank/bare or if you have 'never' updated, it is likely that we will reject you. It's not that we want to snub you, but we also have no clue who you are. Or if you are who you say you are. Get the picture?
If you think you are so smart to request again after being denied, you will be blocked for the community. We usually give you a reason why you cannot join. If you request again in spite of that, we assume that you either do not understand English or you are a troll. If you think we were unfair and you should be allowed to join....just send a pm to one of the moderators.
Your friendly moderators.