A Myriad of Bright Ideas

Aug 22, 2010 12:23

I'm finally going to post this--my "101 Things To Do in 1,001 Days" List!

Mandy found the official group on LiveJournal and actually posted hers in time (I think it was sometime in April), but you all know how big of a slacker-procrastinator-yet-busy person I am! So here is mine, hopefully just in time.

The purpose? Think of 101 things to do (anything goes!) in a little less than 3 years. I have hand-written them and broken them down into categories ("inspirational," "art/music/creative side," "bucket list-worthy," "financial," "family," "travel," "work-related," "exercise/well-being") but the majority of them fall into multiple categories so I'm just going to lay it all out.

x = complete
o = in progress

1. Have a baby!
2. Road trip to Florida with Matt and our little one.
3. Get a dog.
o 4. Decorate the heck out of the den--turning it into baby's room.
5. Get a tattoo with Matt.
6. Make a mix CD for our baby.
7. Make a "Favorite Quotes Board."
x 8. Go to a concert with Matt.
9. Make a "Board of Motivation."
o 10. Write and record a song.
11. Make a CD (of my own music).
12. Play a concert--even if just for family and friends.
13. Camp in the backyard--or the playhouse!
14. Write L&F for musical advice.
15. Pull an all-nighter.
16. Spend an entire weekend focusing only on my creative side.
o 17. Never again left my low-fuel, "Idiot Light," go on.
o 18. Get into a routine with Matt.
19. Artwork something, start to finish, at least once a month (for starters).
x 20. Go on a double-date to a Brewers game.
o 21. Get my coworkers motivated and boost morale every month.
22. Read the entire Harry Potter series in one month.
o 23. Make a master list of favorite songs.
24. Organize iTunes/rate songs/upload music.
25. Pay it forward--BIG time.
26. Go back to school.
27. Join a sport, i.e. basketball, baseball, volleyball.
28. Get fit with Matt after having the baby.
29. Get my passport.
30. Go skydiving.
o 31. Journal at least once a week.
o 32. Organize "office/craft/music" room.
33. Have a sleepover party.
o 34. Keep "The O-Zone: Fans of Lyle Overbay" website updated.
35. Write letters to Mandy and Laura on a consistent basis.
36. Attempt to ride the same roller coaster 100+ times in the same day.
37. Go to Lifest.
38. Go to Cedar Point,
39. Visit Seattle / the West Coast, and possibly camp there?
40. Throw a party!
41. Do not use my credit card for 6 months.
42. Read the Bible.
43. Move into a different house.
44. Start my Masters Degree in Nursing.
45.Take on a do-it-yourself home improvement project.
46. Get my nose pierced.
47. Take piano lessons.
48. Learn how to play the drums.
o 49. Scrapbook something.
50. Give up fast food for a month.
51. Learn how to Photoshop well.
52. Find a new hero.
53. Do the March of Dimes walk every year.
54. Roller blade.
55. Start writing a book or short story.
56. Take a Music Appreciation class.
57. Join a choir (again).
o 58. Fight less.
59. Dye my hair black--just to see what it would look like.
60. Ask for no presents for my birthday and/or Christmas one year.
61. Go to Confession regularly.
62. Have a picnic at the beach.
63. Storm chase.
64. Experience a thunderstorm in the playhouse.
65. Watch a thunderstorm over Lake Michigan at night.
66. Try a new food!
67. Make a hot meal at least once a week.
o 68. Take before & after pictures of our house.
69. Paint artwork for the bedroom / other rooms of our house.
o 70. Come up with a plan to truly make Synagis simple.
71. Have a TV show or movie marathon over 24-48 hours.
72. Save up to buy a camper and camp in it.
73. Treat my parents to something nice, i.e. a trip, dinner, etc.
x 74. Pig out at the Melting Pot!
75. Finish everything off my "To Draw" list.
76. Write a "tribute" to my inspirations/heroes and share it with everyone I can!
77. Give up swearing.
78. Do some soul searching.
79. Treat Matt to a clothing shopping spree.
80. Take a Tae-Kwon-Do class.
81. Jog/run on a consistent basis--so I don't hate it anymore.
o 82. Find a way to maintain happiness...
83. Go on a retreat with Matt.
84. Go on a women's silent retreat.
o 85. Join a church and go every week.
86. Become a bone marrow donor (or at least research it).
87. Do the "40-Day Challenge" with Matt.
88. Make a cover of Jimmy Eat World's "For Me This Is Heaven."
89. Take a vow of silence for a day.
90. Go sledding.
91. Walk the UW-Parkside trail.
92. Learn how to get an original song copyrighted.
93. Go through all my email.
94. Learn how to write with my left hand.
95. Get over my fear of bank drive-throughs!
96. Write a weather question to John Malan.
97. Donate blood.
98. Go hunting with Matt.
99. Learn sign language and teach it to my kid.
100. Give up caffeine for x amount of time?
o 101. Finish, post, and start crossing stuff off this list! :)

There you have it. :)

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