Apr 12, 2008 14:45
Well. I've been sort of putting this one off. But, seeing as a couple of people are starting to ask why I reappeared, only to immediately disappear - guess I should 'splain.
My dad is dying. He's been sick for a long, long time. Since he had cancer back in '83 - '84. Oh, he did well for a number of years, but the rather radical treatments and surgery he had back then have been catching up with him slowly but surely. And, well, he decided last Sunday that he'd had enough. He'd been in hospital since St. Paddy's Day becuse of an infection in his foot - which led to amputation, then more infection, more amputation, pneumonia, kidney infection... yadda, and he finally said "no more".
So, he's in hospice care right now. The immediate family is all in the area, so we're all spending as much time with him as possible. The first couple of days he was very alert - then we had a few quiet days - this morning he's down right lively. Demanding backrubs and such - as well as a man that can't speak can demand, that is.
Many thanks to those who sent Birthday wishes. I sure do appreciate it!
Take care!