dancnwithmyself and
iwannabedirtyWhat: Talking
Where: Choir room
When: Monday after Glee Practice
Rating: PG
Glee practice had just come to an end, and for most of rehearsal, Santana had had her eyes on Artie Abrams. She was completely amazed that he managed to dance in that wheelchair -- she'd never seen anything like it. She'd decided she wanted to ask him about it, and it would be her attempt to befriend one of the Gleeks. She was in the club with them now, she may as well try to make nice.
Kissing Brittany's cheek and giving Quinn a quick hug, she lingered under the guise of straightening out the books in her bag. As soon as she was sure she and Artie were alone, she slowly approached him.
"Hey. Um, you were really awesome today," she said quickly, though truthfully.
That was so awkward, Lopez. Well done, she scolded herself, and she stood taller as she waited to see if he would reply.
[OOC: posting this sort of late. sorry, Vivien! tag whenever. :)]