It's raining men

Nov 10, 2010 21:40

Who: somekindofright and anyone else
When: Wednesday lunch time
Where: School cafeteria, outdoor tables
Rating: Probably just PG

Louise knew that the Cheerios uniform was created in its very essence to get the boys drooling, but there was just something about it that Louise would never quite get used to. She liked being on the squad, and liked the hype and activity of being part of the Cheerios, but she knew deep down she wasn't really 100% Cheerio material. She wasn't like Quinn, or Santana, or even Brittney. She didn't have that natural mojo that screamed 'CHEERLEADER! LOOK AT ME!' She felt awkward in it when she wasn't actually cheering and didn't understand why she couldn't just get changed when they weren't out on the field. Convenience, apparently. Pfft, whatever.

She was still a tom boy at heart, would still always prefer a pair of well-loved torn jeans and a rock band t-shirt with a bandana on her head out playing footy or frisbee with her big brothers. She was the sort of chick who wanted to be a boy when she grew up, liked to play with toy cars and ate bugs with the best of the male species. But high school was fickle and she wanted to fit in just as much as the next person, so she did what she had to. She was still part nerd, though. She liked being involved in the band too, but it was like her Cheerio counterparts were just happy to let her at it if no one mentioned it. Like an STD or something. Bottom line was, Louise just rolled with school life. Nothing particularly tended to bother her too much. She flew under the radar, wasn't overly popular, but wasn't social pond scum either. it suited her, and meant she could shove a hot dog and five Oreos down her throat at lunch without anyone really bothering what she was up to.

She selected one of the empty lunch tables outside the cafeteria and dumped her bag on the floor at her feet. She was starving. Luckily Cheerios practice was done for the day. She made the mistake of trying that on a full stomach once and she was banished from Coach S's sight for a week.

rating: pg, status: incomplete

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