I finally downloaded trapped under ice and put it on my ipod!

Apr 15, 2009 12:03

-I need to start saying oof again.
-I want more novelty tattoos (a la Silver Spring), just little ones to keep me on track until I can afford to get like my stomach done or back or more dementors.
-I neeeeeed to re-read Harry Potter again, my room is a shambles and I haven't set my bookshelf back up and I'm lost without that.
-I need to budget myself for the next (not even) 2 months. I have rent/utilities/blackberry/pillz/some money that I owe my mom for taxes to take out of this (20% cut) paycheck. I mean and paying off my credit card and saving for Germany. I want to buy silly ass shoes and kinder eggs galore.
-I want to go to Baltimore for one of the billion shows/parties going on this weekend, I need to get out of Silver Spring and DC, I need to be around crazy fun metal kids stat.
-I need to be less sedentary, I wish I could borrow a bike and go on Sligo Creek parkway, I don't want to ride in streets or anything, just admire spring foliage and get some air in my lungs.
-I need to ignore all the stresses of my life right now.
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