
Aug 25, 2011 18:46

First of all, there was a three-point-something earthquake on the east coast last year in July and the epicenter was WAY closer to my house than last time so for me it was preceded by this horrible sound I'd never heard before but which I associated with like, alien invasion and possessed monster trucks. So I was lying in bed going, "Oh shit, it's "To Serve Man" time. I shoulda known it would happen." Therefore last year's quake was, for me, THE SCARIEST EARTHQUAKE EVER. And this year I was totally jaded and all, "Oh. Another earthquake. Interesting."  Most people slept through the one last year, but my vet woke up too (I saw him yesterday) and he agreed that it was A BILLION TIMES SCARIER.  Whatever, I think the point is that mileage varies and it really matters if it is your first earthquake or your 15th.

Second of all, I totally get why people on the West Coast are unimpressed by our quake. I had loved ones in SF in 1989, and I remember it vividly. Perhaps some photos would jog your memories?

Oh or maybe a news report from the day after SF's quake would be more useful?

image Click to view

Check out the footage at the *very* beginning of the report: a car is driving on a bridge which suddenly collapses under it, you see the car just go down into the crack. I knew people who had real issues driving on any bridge after that quake, and could you blame 'em?
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