Rolling Holies....

Nov 16, 2008 21:57

I think we had a bit of a Holy War a few days ago in Jeruselem.   You had Armenian and Greek Orthodox clergy in the same area of the city and they were all trying to cram into one spot in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  Thus a brawl broke out.

It all began as a nudging game as the two groups of church staffers were funneling into the front door.  Then the nudging got a bit more heated.  Punches were thrown and kicks were delivered to try and clear the path.  At one point we had "stage-diving" priests who flew over the tops of their peers and onto a rival clergyman.  Hats were flying, and beads were yanked.  Eventually Christian priests were fair game as well as the brawl between the two grew out of control.  Then the bouncers for the Holy City show up in force to calm the bedlam.

The might of the Israeli Police Force was no match for these scrapping men of the cloth.  Though no shots were fired, two men were apprehended and the brawl broken up after a while of trying to calm the crowds that had joined in.

How's that for a lesson in Divine Peace?
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