Aug 27, 2010 04:10
I have none but myself to blame, frequenting and other so morale boosting stuff, but this really bothers me.
There are quiet often teenage girls and young women posting stuff about how people have called them ugly or they ain't good looking and then someone say 'You're beautiful' and its like 'awwwww'. What I do not understand is peoples reliance on beauty and putting such stake in it.
I am Ugly. Really fucking ugly. If someone told me I was beautiful or handsome, I'd know they were either being nice or being PC. These people feel shit about themselves and others because they are not given complements about their appearances, but put so much importance in being beautiful.
Get the fuck over it, if you are ugly, get over it and move on. Surely us of all people should put no stock in beauty and consider it a pointless virtue, not put so much importance in it. Stop trying to conform to stupid conditioning, have a spine, agree you are ugly and not care. Find something more important and possibly deep than your god damn appearance. We'll look ugly once we get old anyhow and once we've rotted into mulch, we all look the exact same.
I find it hard to express myself on this issue, what bugs me is that there people care about being called beautiful, even if they're not. Surely the more sensible thing to do is except you are not great looking and then find a positive feature of yourself to worry about instead. Some bloke being nice and going 'you're beautiful' does not mean he's soulful or unbiased, he's being nice and he's to an extent, doing you a dis-service by lying to you.