Experience is a wonderful thing

Dec 02, 2009 21:40

Once again I've had to deal with the fallacy of leaders. Someone gets it in their head they own the chuffing college and start harrassing us. Its pointless, despite the past, we don't want anything to do with her. She however seems to think everything we do revolves around getting her in some sense of the word. Its frustrating.

All I want is a cottage, enough land, tools and water to grow my own food and a sodding huge black and red flag outside my door. I can't have any of this because I'm not 'rich' enough, which means I have to work and which means I have to attend college and everything else mandated by society to make me a good little worker.

Once in these systems I can't even persue my own beliefs because small minded petty 'leaders' consider it a personal issue if we debate ethics and use non-authoritarian frameworks. Bleh.
Why don't all the idiots and leaders bugger off elsewhere and lead themselves to whatever grissly and pointless fate awaits them and let me get on with my life.

The world is full of people happy and willing to fuck me over and it is very sparse in people willing to help me. The world as we have been shown it is a lie and the sad truth is that no one cares and that whilst we continue not to care for one another, no one will help us do anything but toil and die. That is the bleakness of leaders.

Let the idiots follow and the monsters lead, I just want to live.


I didn't want to split things up so I've got more to add.

The problem for me is that even if I go to Uni, I'll have to find enough money to do another one or two courses before I can even think about lecturing. I'm not rich, I'm probably not even wealthy. Money is not what bothers me, but money closes off so many options. If I have the apptitude and the will, why do I not deserve to go for the courses?

For students, money doesn't likely represent their achievements/effort because at that age we wouldn't have earned it ourselves, our parents would have.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the class system. Your parents determine your future a lot. The boundaries might not be so clear, but its obvious that unless your parents have the cash, you don't get the degree.

I just find that abhorent. Its archaic for crying out loud. I cannot help who I am born by and I cannot help their life choices, why should I be penalised because they lack money and I cannot earn that without the fucking degree. Its fucking backwards and as usual, our society place the wants of the rich and wealthy above those of the poor or average. Keep the peasants down and all that shit.

Its fucking backwards, we are not idiots, we should not treat those without the luck of being born by rich fuckers as better by simple merit of birth.



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