Just a short rant

Aug 19, 2015 17:20

Last week I've been accepted to be a timer for Sakini Pikanchi. YAYY!

This is my first time being involved in a subbing group thus I don't really know how well I'm gonna be, I'm not an expert in subbing and there are still much more things to learn. I love watching Anishi but sadly the number of subbed Anishi were not so much and I feel that I kinda left behind with so much episodes (especially after the show's renewal). Hopefully I can help the team to release subbed Anishi quicker than before.. I'm aiming for the group to have at least one release of subbed Anishi per week. Hmm.. sounds ambitious.

I'm so happy when I got accepted and I would be super happy if there people from NEWS fandom willing to work with me in subbing NEWS videos. I been dreaming to do it for years but sadly my skills are limited as I can't translate. So if any NEWS fans who can translate well happen to read this (which I doubt so) and willing to collaborate with me, please do send me a PM.


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