Tokio LIVE 24 ~ 04.07.14 Shige suprise visit

Apr 09, 2014 00:28

Last night Shige made a surprise visit to Koyama's live broadcast at Tokyo Tower to promote his butai & book. Shige-papa has come to visit Koya-mama!!

Shige looks cool just by standing next to that pillar.

I love how Koyama super excited when he saw Shige on the screen and can't stop blabbering.

Yabaii papa has come home but the house is messy!!

Shige is excited too to be on live broadcast.

I absolutely have no idea what they are talking about but Shige surely have the nerve to say "baka yarou!" to his sempai, Matsuoka.

Looks like Shige too has learned how to grin like how Tegoshi always do! I <3 it!!

They swapped their clothes too!!

Love is overload with these two <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

kato shigeaki, tokyo live 24, koyama keiichiro

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