We lived in Bury St. Edmunds until I was 7 years old. I cant remember a lot from there but one thing sticks out which I have remembered all my life :
When I was a kid there was a cartoon version of Tarzan. This was followed by a female version of Tarzan, called Shira. She had a massive white tiger with black stripes as her 'cheata' companion. I
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All my friends are scattered over a wide area, so I didn't (still don't) have anyone I could go 'Fancy going to the pub?' (that's the trouble with being an introvert). So I decided that the best way to go out and have fun in the process was to join a dating agency. I wasn't looking for love, just to have an excuse to go out and enjoy myself. Some of the 'dates' were interesting and some were 'how soon can i get out?'.
Anyway, I had gone out with a boy/lad for a couple of weeks when I was going to ditch him, but my Mum said to give him awhile longer and see what happened. He had this mega annoying habit of needing to know where he was the whole time. A walk in the New Forest involved him looking at the map, whereas, i go 'lets go this way'. After being out with him and feeling a bit wound up, I thought to myself, lets phone someone on my list. The first number got no reply and the second number I got an answer. Turns out, it was actually his Mum's phone number and he was there with them watching Inspector Morse. Never entirely sure if he has forgiven me for interupting one of his favourite programmes. A date was duly arranged.
He was the first person that I had found where the conversation flowed. He wasked if it was okay to contact me and I said yes. A couple or so weeks later he phoned me up and arranged another date and that he would pick me up. I told him I lived in flat 54 and he thought I said top floor (which I didn't know until later).
On the day of the date, he was late. But i didn't mind as I was happily chatting on the phone. Put the phone down and it rang immediately. He told me later that he was going to give it one more try, then he was giving up.
This was the guy that I ended up marrying.
Sometimes I wonder what would of happened if ;-
The original guy hadn't wound me up, causing me to try my list,
HE hadn't been at his mum's,
The first guy on the list had been in, or
He had given up trying to get hold of me.
Meant to be or something trying to keep us apart?
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