(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 22:25

I do not own stargate Atlantis.
Thanks to Rocketlover for being my beta.

Goodbye Atlantis

Chapter Two

The evening was progressing well, and the party in the gate room was now in full swing. Elizabeth sat quietly in a corner observing the proceedings. She made a half-hearted effort to hide the smirk taking hold of her face as she watched Kavanagh’s antics. An Athosian woman, had for reasons beyond comprehension, taken a shine to the annoying doctor, and his lame attempts at escape were falling flat. You’d think he would be glad of some friendly attention she mused.

Her eyes were drawn to Carson as she watched him being dragged onto the dance floor by Lt.Cadman. They were accompanied by a chorus of whistles and catcalls from the peanut gallery and Beckett’s head snapped round trying to spot the guilty culprits. Elizabeth could not help but think the next time the hecklers required medical attention the good doctor would make them regret their actions.

Next, she spied Ronon and caught his eye. He gave her a quick nod before returning his attentions to the buffet table and his mission to taste every item. She continued to scan the room, not quite sure of what she was searching for. She gazed back to the dance floor and laughed. John was trying to teach Teyla the Macarena and Zelenka; it appeared was adapting a Czech folk dance to the music. Obviously, his not so secret still, was churning out its potent brew.

Elizabeth was happy everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It wasn’t often that her people had the chance to let their hair down and have some good old-fashioned fun. Still, something was not quite right and then it hit her. Where was Rodney?

She looked round the room one more time to check. He definitely wasn’t there.


She turned at the sound of her name to see John smiling at her, and returned the gesture warmly.

“I believe this has to be one of our better ideas,” she said waving her hand at the dance floor.

John shrugged and sipped his drink. “Well after the grief I gave Rodney to get the sound system up and running after the wraith attack, I figured it was time we used it. Speaking of which, have you seen him? It’s not like him to miss free food.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I was just about to ask you the same question. What time did he tell you he’d be here? Only I haven’t seen him today to talk to.”

“I haven’t seen him either,” John said.

Elizabeth looked surprised at that snippet of information and raised an eyebrow at Shepherd. He wasn’t forthcoming with anything more however. “He does know about the party, right? I mean it was all rather last minute,” she asked.

“Oh yeah, sure. Someone would have told him. You know McKay, he’s probably in his lab caught up with some gizmo and lost track of time,” he said. At the sound of a table, crashing to the ground John spun on his heel and raced across to where Ronan stood over a pile of food, a drumstick still in hand.

Elizabeth shook her head and tapped her radio. “Doctor McKay, this is Weir. What’s your status?” She was met with silence and frowned before trying again.

Zelenka watched Elizabeth’s face grow from frustration to worry before making his way over to her.

“Is everything okay Doctor Weir?” he asked.

“I’m trying to reach Rodney. Have you seen him?”

Radek stopped to think about it before shaking his head. “He was working on big project last time I asked. Was told to keep nose out of face for my trouble. So, I leave him. That was yesterday.”

Elizabeth’s frown deepened and Radek tugged on her arm. “Puzzle easy solved even if annoying man won’t answer,” he said and winked. He walked to a console and Elizabeth followed him. He brought up the life signs detector. There was no one in the lab but they could see the bright red dot in Rodney’s room. Elizabeth relaxed and chided herself silently for worrying. Rodney was a big boy - he could look after himself. If he wanted to sleep instead of party, well that was his choice. She thanked Zelenka and told him to go back to the party. He blushed slightly and offered her his arm.

“Would you perhaps like to dance with me?” he asked hesitantly.

What Elizabeth wanted to do was to go and check on Rodney, but she reasoned he was probably sleeping and Radek was peering at her with hope. So she placed her hand on his arm and allowed herself to be whisked away to dance the night away.

The next morning Elizabeth entered her office and with a strong cup of black coffee. She sat down and flipped on the computer to read her messages.

When she got to the message from Rodney, she nearly dropped her cup. She read it twice just to make sure she hadn’t somehow misunderstood. Thoughts began running through her head as to why he would do such a thing. Then she realized that since Doranda he hadn’t come bouncing into her office to show off any of his latest discoveries. That was unusual. Plus she could not recall seeing him in the mess or at any social gatherings.

To her shame, she realized that she hadn’t thought to go see him in the lab or ask him to join her for a meal to see how he was doing. Was she the only one who had been remiss? Had others ignored him since the Doranda debacle? Elizabeth recalled Shepherd’s vagueness yesterday when she’d asked if he had seen Rodney. If the message in front of her was to be believed, it would appear they all had some serious apologizing ahead of them. Rodney granted, had made a big mistake, but he was human and it wasn’t like he was the only one to error. It looked like he was the only one to be punished for his however.

Elizabeth realized that she’d made a huge mistake with her cool complacency towards her chief scientist. She’d taken him, his abilities and his friendship for granted. Now she hoped it was not too late to fix it. Atlantis could not afford to lose Rodney McKay. Hell, neither could she.


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