Title: Trust
Author: spacedmonkey
Pairing: McShep
Rating: PG
Summary: He'd missed him.
Author's Note: Just a drabble between other fics I'm struggling with. Might be part of a series. What do you think?
Feedback adored.
There was a petulant look in Rodney McKay’s eyes which filled John with more relief than anything had over the past three weeks. It was the first real sign that he was really in there; more than John just insisting that he was based on nothing more than a gut feeling and an unshakeable belief that McKay wouldn’t go like that. One glare of contempt at a nurse who was trying and failing to feed him something that might have claimed to be tuna casserole and John Sheppard wanted to turn cartwheels.
Resisting the urge for spontaneous gymnastics, John politely took the spoon from the nurse who seemed more than happy to hand over the task to the military leader of the city. Glancing from the fleeing nurse to the plate of food he reloaded the spoon and turned to look at his scientist who glared at him and clamped his mouth shut.
“What’s up, buddy? Looks edible!” he sniffed the contents of the spoon. “No citrus. Promise.”
Rodney’s eyes flicked from the spoon to the plate to John and he slowly opened his mouth to be fed.
“They’re not going to poison you, McKay. They’ve just spent three weeks fighting to keep you alive so why would they wait until now to do you in?”
Rodney slowly chewed his food, swallowed and opened his mouth for more.
“Nice to know you trust me.” John smiled as he loaded up the spoon again and brought it to the other man’s lips. “Eat all this up and you can have some jello!”
Rodney rolled his eyes and then looked a little startled when John burst out laughing and seemed unable to stop.
John gathered himself and beamed at the man in the bed.
“Nothing. Nothing at all, McKay. It’s just nice to have you back is all.”
“Mmnshd?” Rodney tried, closed his eyes as if really concentrating and tried again. “Misshed?” he forced out the almost word and the effort left him breathless.
“Yeah, I missed you. That okay?”
“Mmn.” He mumbled with a slight nod.
“Good.” John nodded, mainly to himself. “Now eat your dinner or you won’t grow up big and strong.”