Story: Posing

Aug 09, 2006 19:19

Title: Posing
Author: Marie
Rating: R
Pairing: John/Rodney
Warnings: AU
Summary: Rodney is a junior in college and so is John. They meet in Rodney’s art class when John poses nude for his class. John is not in the military.
Warnings: This is unbetaed and I suck at tenses so be forewarned.
Feedback: Please comment here or at

I hate this class Rodney McKay thought to himself as he set up his easel and paints. He didn’t understand why he had to take an art or music class if he was going to be an astrophysicist. If he knew that American schools were going to be this difficult he would have gone to school in Canada. He was broken out of his thoughts by the teacher’s voice.
“Class, pay attention. Today we are going to be painting nudes and here is today’s model.” Rodney cringed as he heard the words and looked up briefly to see who the model was and almost had a heart attack. It was John Sheppard, the guy he had a crush on for the past 3 years. John was attractive, smart and totally out of his league and he was currently wearing nothing but a towel. John looked around the room and then took off his towel lying down on the couch at the front of the room. There were a few catcalls from the girls in the room and one or two guys.
“Class behave, John is here to pose for you and not to be the subject of your masturbation fantasies.” John said nothing but smirked a little like he knew how good he looked. Rodney swallowed and tried not to hyperventilate. John was so hot and now he was naked in front of him. Rodney knew that it would take a lot of work to pay attention to his painting and not to John. He started painting and as the class went on it became easier. He had always liked art and painting and he was somewhat good at it. He didn’t notice when John got up and the class started to leave the room because he was so absorbed in his work. He glanced up to take another look and John was standing in front of him.
“Hey, I think class is over.”
“Um, yeah” I replied feeling my face turn red. “I just wanted to finish up what I was doing. “
“Can I look at it?” John asked smiling at me.
“Yeah, It’s not very good though.” I replied moving so John could slide behind the easel.
“Hey, this is really good although I think you gave me a little extra in the penis department.” He says smirking.
“Well it is a artists prerogative to do thing like that.” I say wondering where this smooth Rodney McKay came from. “
“You’re Rodney right? We have advanced math together don’t we?” He asks looking closely at me.

“Yeah, and you’re John Sheppard, nude model and all round good guy.” I tell him laughing a little.
“I needed the extra money. You know how it is.” He replies looking a little embarrassed.
“Yeah, it can be tough living on you own.”
“Yeah. So Rodney do you want to go and get a cup of coffee sometime?” He asks and I feel my heart beat faster. I wondered if he was asking me out on a date or if he just wanted to hang out together as friends.
“Yeah, I would like that. What day is good for you?”
“How about Friday at eight at the Starbucks?”
“Friday’s good.” I tell him not believing my luck. Even if he just wanted to be friends it would be good.
“Okay Rodney, I’ll see you on Friday.” He says and walks out the door leaving me to stare after him wondering what had just happened.

author: maria1976, rating: nc-17, genre: au - alternate universe

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