Ficlet: Of Cats and Curses

Aug 09, 2006 03:56

Title: Of Cats and Curses
Author: Cypher
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Main Character(s): Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka
Warnings: AU, Unbetaed, Slash
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "He still didn’t believe it was a curse, and in honesty it didn’t matter what he believed."
Author's Notes: I wrote this ficlet a while ago to cheer up forcryinoutloud and never posted it. Kinda goes with the powers theme going around, so it seemed like an opportune time. Enjoy!

Of Cats and Curses

“Your cat is attention whore, Rodney.” Radek nudged the animal in question with his foot, eliciting a disgruntled “mrrrrr” and a slash of the tail in Radek’s general direction. “He refuses to let me get back to work.”

Rodney rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers twice in Radek’s general direction. “Knock it off, John. He’s actually useful.” The obsidian-colored cat cast a baleful green glare at Rodney before turning up its nose and sauntering into the kitchen. “Great, now he’ll be huffy all night.”

“Is better than me breaking neck tripping over him.” Radek finished the equation on the whiteboard, then capped the pen and picked up his papers. “I must go. Elizabeth will sic Ronon if I am not home by nightfall.”

Rodney’s head snapped up. “Nightfall? Go, go.” He waved his hand towards the door. “I have plans.”

“Yes, of course. Your imaginary boyfriend.”

Rodney scowled at Radek’s back. “He’s not imaginary! He just…sleeps during the day.”

“Yes, yes. Goodnight.” Radek shut the door, and Rodney kept working, keeping an ear out for the VW Bug engine that meant his friend was truly leaving. There had been a couple times where Radek had forgotten something, or had an epiphany on the wormhole equations, and come back in, almost finding out Rodney’s secret. But Radek never came back in once the engine was running. “Wastes gas, Ronon growls when I do that.”

And sure enough, tonight was a good night. The car engine was fading away with the rest of the natural light. Stretching and letting out a brief curse from a kink in his back, he went to lock the door, then wandered into a kitchen.

On his floor was a naked, lithe man on all fours, stretching so that his back ached inward. His eyes were half-lidded and sparkling brown, and he had a lazy smile hidden beneath pouting lips. Stretching one leg even farther out than the others, he man let out a low groan, then sat back on his haunches, focus still on Rodney.

Rodney wasn’t having any of it and heading straight for the fridge. “Don’t give me that look. You’re perfectly capable of getting your own food, John.”

John’s pout grew. “But I had such a hard day, Rodney. You saw what Zelenka did.” He crossed his arms. “He kicked me, and you didn’t so much and scratch my head. Just,” he snapped his fingers twice, “like I’m just a…a pet.” John turned his head away. “You don’t love me anymore.”

Grabbing a Molson’s, Rodney walked over and ran his fingers through John’s hair before scratching just behind his head. “Yes, yes, you’re so unloved.” John’s eyes shut and he let out a pleased hum as he tilted back into the hand. “And Radek’s right. You are an attention whore.”

“You like my attention.” John shot him a leer, licking his lips.

Normally, Rodney would pick John up and stroke his back when he did that; though only when John did that during the day. At night, licking lips led to other things being stroked. Good things. Hard things. Still, he let his hand move down to John’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s get to bed.”

“But I’m hungry.”

“I’ll order sushi.” Rodney hated the stuff, but knew John loved it.

John’s eyes lit up, before turning dark and Rodney found himself pounced on, lips smashed against his own, eagerly devouring him. Rodney regretted the lost beer momentarily, then focused his attention on the sensuous body on top of him.

Tonight, he’d fall asleep cuddled up to John, and wake up to a cat on his chest. He still didn’t believe it was a curse, and in honesty it didn’t matter what he believed. He was in love with John, in both his forms, and he intended to stay with him through hell and high water.

Though if another litter of kittens showed up on his doorstep from a neighbor, he was SO getting John neutered.

rating: pg13, author: seikaitsukimizu, genre: au - alternate universe

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