Title: Bloodfire (chapters 2 & 3) (McShep)

Feb 10, 2018 01:25

Title: Bloodfire (chapters 2 & 3)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1
Author: Andromeda
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard (main), Carson Beckett/Kate Heightmeyer, Markham/Stackhouse (other secondary pairings to be added)
Rating: NC-17 (overall story)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon with superpowers, Crossover, Drama, Character Bashing, Original Character(s), Pre-Slash (until chapter 5), First Time.

Chapter 2: They arrived to Atlantis. Now they need to make sure they are allowed to stay.
Chapter 3: The Expedition travels to Athos. What they find is not what they expected.
Read it on AO3

rating: nc-17, fanfic, genre: crossover, genre: pre-slash, genre: first time, genre: drama, genre: au - alternate universe

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