Fic: A Bite, A Kiss, A Chance You Cannot Miss (John/Rodney, AU, PG-13)

Apr 02, 2016 23:45

Author: selenic76
For: melagan
Title: A Bite, A Kiss, A Chance You Cannot Miss
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~4600
Warnings/tags: None of the usual, unbetad / AU, Halloween, first kiss, vampires?
Disclaimer: Don't own or profit from them

Summary: On All Hallows' Eve, Rodney meets a cloaked figure in a dark alley...

Author's notes: This is so out of season, but I promised melagan a Halloween story some years back. Sorry it took so long but here it is, finished for your birthday. Happy Halloween ;) and a very Happy Birthday *BIRTHDAY HUGS* Hope you enjoy your this little treat. Unbetad, all mistakes are mine!

The fic can be read on AO3 | on my LJ

author: selenic76, fanfic, genre: au - alternate universe

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