Title: Pennant Race
goddess47Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG
Warnings: (highlight for spoilers) *baseball! ;-)*
Genre: AU; romance
Word Count: 13,185
Summary: Rodney McKay is a starting pitcher for the Jacksonville Jumpers baseball team. The Jumpers are in a tight race for the division pennant, and can use some help winning their division. The team has just signed catcher John Sheppard -- who is a 'known' jinx -- the teams he play on never do better than second place.
Notes: For 2015
Romancingmcshep; Started originally in summer 2014 on Rough Trade. The chapter stands alone and -- once I get some other stories that are almost overdue finished, I'll be coming back to this!
Pennant Race [on AO3]