fic: Lost in Translation (1/1)

Jul 29, 2012 21:44

pairings/characters: John/Rodney, Teyla/Kanaan; John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon
words: 2600
rating: NC-17
warnings: none
summary: The thing about the Gate translator was that after the first few weeks, you stopped thinking about it most of the time, until something happened like Ronon bumping shoulders with Teyla after a particularly uncomfortable meeting with a village elder and saying, "Bros before hoes."

Rodney, who had been following them down the path, stopped so suddenly that John almost ran into him. "What did you just say?"

"Oh, Rodney," Teyla said, looking amused. "He did not mean you."

notes: Truth in advertising, lest yet be disappointed, fair reader: this fic contains McShep sexy times, omegaverse, and mpreg, but there is no McShep knotting or mpreg. If you are unfamiliar with omegaverse (a.k.a. a/b/o), I recommend you check out this excellent primer written by norabombay. This fic assumes you're familiar with the basic mechanics.

> > Read at AO3 / DW / LJ < <

genre: crack!fic, rating: nc-17, genre: humour, genre: team

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