Fic: Hunted by Taste_is_Sweet (R; Crossover; Action/Adventure; AU; John/Rodney)

Jan 19, 2012 09:39

Title: Hunted (Crossover with Hawaii 5-0 and the movie Predators)
Paring: McKay/Sheppard (and McGarrett/Williams Pre-Slash)
Genre: AU; Episode Related; Action/Adventure; H/C
Rating: R (for violence)
Warnings: Gratuitous Kitten References
Word Count: ~58,000
Spoilers: There are probably spoilers for all H50 episodes that have currently aired in the US; There are possibly spoilers for all five seasons of Stargate: Atlantis

Author's Notes: This is a direct sequel to Visible (which is a H50 only story) and set in the Gifts AU where ten percent of Earth's population have superhuman abilities. Links to the rest of the series can be found with this story at either archive.

I wrote this for Raphe1, who had the winning bid for a fanfic story from me in the 2011 Help_Japan charity auction. It also covers the "Forced to Participate in Illegal/Hurtful Activity" square on my H/C_Bingo card. (Bingo card is here.)


"You know what? Yesterday--if it was just yesterday, and not, say, six months ago--I was watching my partner kick yet another door in and I was thinking that the only things I had to worry about were Steve getting us killed, Grace's eventual dating, and if I was ever going to find an apartment that wasn't infested with cockroaches, black mold or ghosts of old ladies in funny hats. And now, suddenly, I find out that the entire fucking universe is a giant terrarium project populated with aliens that want to kill us. And you two, apparently, live in another galaxy and don't seem to think there's anything weird about that. Does that sum up the situation here? Or did I miss something?"

Here on or Here on AO3

genre: angst, series, genre: friendship, genre: hurt comfort, author: leah, genre: drama, genre: au - alternate universe, genre: established relationship, genre: action/adventure, genre: crossover, author: taste_is_sweet, challenge, rating: r

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