
Jan 16, 2012 16:26

Title: Somniati
Author: aadarshinah
Rating: PG-13
Words: 5,249
Pairing/Charecter(s): Ancient!John, Rodney, Stephen Caldwell, Elizabeth Weir, OCs; more than a little John/Rodney, but most of the focus is on Elizabeth/Caldwell, though Elizabeth/Simon and Caldwell/Other are both mentioned
Warnings/Spoliers: This kinda takes place between 1975 and part 3 of "Socii" in the . If you want to get specific, tiny spoilers for SG-1's "Tangent" and "Prometheus," larger ones for "The Lost City" and "New Order," as well as SGA's "Sanctuary," "The Siege," "The Intruder," "Trinity," and "Critical Mass."
Disclaimer: All characters, situations, quotes et al are properties of their respective owners and I am merely using them under Title 17 of the US Code, § 107, aka the Fair Use Doctrine, without intents to infringe upon or defame anyone's legal rights.
Summary: Sometimes it's hard not to be jealous of other people's happiness, even when they're people we care about.
Notes: May this be the fic that changes your mind about both/either Elizabeth and Caldwell. And, even if it's not, Chaya - finally - makes an appearance of sorts, so... read it for that instead.
"...nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."

genre: episode related, rating: pg13, genre: established relationship, genre: character study, genre: first time, genre: drama, genre: fluff

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