Advena (3/?)

Oct 10, 2011 00:14

Title: Advena (3/?)
Author: aadarshinah
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Words: 2,225 (of ?)
Pairing/Charecter(s): Ancient!John, Rodney, Sam Carter, Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson; John/Rodney, implicit Sam/Jack
Warnings/Spoliers: Part 3 of #10 in the Ancient!John 'verse (click here for Part 1, Part 2); takes place between "The Siege," part III, and "The Intruder," and contains spoliers for "McKay and Mrs. Miller" as well as all SG1 episodes through "Mobius." Contains mentions of homophobia
Disclaimer: Title 17 of the US Code, § 107, aka the Fair Use Doctrine.
Summary: "I get that this whole Terra is alone in the universe thing is important to you guys, but, really, what's the likelihood that anyone's going to interrogate me on my life history while I'm here?"
Notes: We'll get to the events of "Fratres et Sorores" soon, I promise.

"If I have to go through this one more time, I'm going to start believing I am Major John Sheppard, United States Air Force."

rating: pg13, genre: established relationship, genre: dadt

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