Fic: The Princess Crack - SGA: McShep - Rated R

Jun 23, 2011 06:31

Title: The Princess Crack
Authors: squidgiepdx  and elderwitty 
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: R for language. 
Words: 11,292
Warning: Don't read if you're offended by crack!fic.  Or if you've read The Princess Bride.  Or watched the movie.  Or any movie - ever.  Or if  you’ve ever seen Stargate: Atlantis.  Or read SGA fic.  Or fic of any fandom.  Or books - English, Esperanto, or other.  If you respect: the English language, the Pope, that guy on the corner who screams when you pass, or the creepy feeling you get going up the creaky stairs at night even thought you tell yourself that it's just the stairs and not someone with an eggbeater waiting to flatten your soufflé and glue hair on your chickens… don’t read this.  Really, for the love of all things holy, this is the crackiest crack that ever cracked at a crack.  Don't say we didn't warn you.  We're not all that nice to Kavanaugh and even take a swipe at Keller.  Jewel's a nice girl, but Keller’s got it coming (only because the writers MarySued her at the end, though). 
Summary:  The Princess Bride on crack!(fic). 
(squidgiepdx) I was the one who ate the dried macaroni pieces off our mother's Mothers Day present when I was 6 years old.  There.  I finally got that off my chest.
(elderwitty)  It was me who wrote in red felt tip on the discarded plastic part of the mustache comb blister pack.  Sorry, Kirk. 
Non-disclaimer:  We own everything.  Oh, yeah.  We own McKay and Sheppard, Ronon's original hair (but not the S5WOMF), Kavanaugh's whine, Carson's accent, the sets, most of Northwest Canada, and every Stargate related idea from the beginning of time.  Also?  We’ve built own functioning Stargate.  Really!  You wanna see? Okay, but no cameras, and you have to do your own sound effects.

( Link to part I)

( Link to part II)

genre: crack!fic, genre: humour, genre: au - alternate universe, rating: r

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