Fic: In Sickness (G)

Mar 27, 2011 20:39

Title: In Sickness
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Hints of John/Rodney.
Prompt: 244- nonsense -tamingthemuse 
Warnings: So fluffy it'll make you sneeze
Rating: G
Wordcount: ~1300
Disclaimer: Not mine, despite the occasional daydream.

Authors Note- So I've been awfully sick this weekend and so when I sat down to think of ideas for this story the first thing that came into my mind was how lovely it would be to have my own John Sheppard to look after me when I'm feeling this ill. Even after I've written this story I still want my own John Sheppard to feed me chicken soup in bed. :D

Summary: Rodney's sick and John does his best to help.

Comments are loved and appreciated. Whether you love it or you hate it feel free to let me know

The door whooshed open and John peered into the dark room before quietly entering

rating: g

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