(no subject)

Feb 23, 2011 19:37

Title: Consequences
Chapter: Thirteen
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Summary: Post Trinity AU Rodney is on Earth and unknown danger lurks.


John hurt all over as he opened the water bottle. Muscles he never knew he had screamed at the abuse that Ronon had delivered. This was the hardest the Satedan had ever pushed him in their sparring sessions.

“How did you get with McKay?” Ronon asked causing John to choke and cover it with a cough, looking down at the floor.

“Why are you asking?” John tilted his head to the right and pretended his boots fascinated him.

“He doesn’t seem your type.”

“I have a type?” John noticed his boots needed a coat of polish.

“We all have types.”

“Really?” John snorted, wondering how he could change the subject or if he should just leave. Then again, it would not surprise him if Ronon followed him.

“So when did you and McKay hook up?”

“Well, define hook up?” John noticed one of his laces showed signs of fraying and needed changing out.


“Define mated?” John heard the frustration in the grunt from Ronon and hoped the man had taken the hint and would stop with the personal questions.

John knew he had lost the fight when Ronon growled, “Sheppard!”

“Dog with a bone much?”

“Don’t know what a dog is.” Ronon chuckled.

“We hooked up on the first night we met. So you could say we started out as castaways with benefits.” John looked up at the ceiling wondering what Rodney would say about Ronon’s line of questioning. He imagined that Rodney would have a few choice words, eye rolls, and huffs concerning John’s actions and replies.


“Remember Gilligan’s Island?” John offered up as a way to explain.

“Does that make you the Skipper and McKay the Professor?”

John shot the man a sarcastic grin and said, “Why yes, Mary Anne, it does.”

“Are you coming back to Atlantis?”

“Depends on what happens with McKay.” John decided he owed his friend the complete truth.

Ronon leaned forward with a determined expression. “He won’t ask you to stay.”

“Who says he has any say in this? They’ve had enough time to get him back.” John wanted Ronon to understand that he had tried to be reasonable.

“We can sneak him back,” Ronon offered with an evil grin.

“Revenge is a bitch.” John responded with a shake of his head and an easy smile. “He hates needles.”

“I’ll stun him.”

“Now that might just work. You like cold showers, but I’d never tell McKay that.” John knew his geek could do so many things to retaliate.

“Teyla will protect me.”

“But who will protect me?” John put his hand up to his chest and feigned concern for his safety.

“I’ll tell him it was all Teyla’s idea.” Ronon’s grin grew wider, and John was sure the man was picturing himself stunning Rodney. “Teyla can be Ginger.”

John tried to look intimidating and said, “I really have to start limiting your TV viewing. I see now why parents think it’s a bad influence on children.”

“McKay will let me watch what I want.”

John pointed his finger and said, “I’m going to have a long talk with your Mom about this, believe me.”

“I just have to promise to give him all my blue jello.”

“I’m going to have to be a much firmer father figure in this family.”

“Whatever. I’m hungry.” Ronon sounded like a rebellious teenager and it made John laugh.

John lifted his arm and wrinkled his nose after taking a whiff. “I’ll meet you in the mess after I shower.”

“See you then.”


“Why of all days for sunshine to present itself, it had to be today? I’m sure if I had requested it to be bright and sunny it would’ve been overcast, cloudy, and raining.” Rodney gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white and his fingers had started to go numb. “What good are sunglasses if they can’t block out the sun?”

Thinking back to the first time he had actually met O’Neill in person still scared the hell out him. Rodney to this day wondered how many ways the man could kill and hide a body, especially his. It wasn’t like O’Neill ever visited them on the Ancient outpost at the same time that Daniel did, to have put two and two together.

When Daniel visited the outpost, they just shared a few drunken hand jobs, and there might have been a blow job the memories are a bit fuzzy. Too many beers and there could have been many tequila shots involved to remember. The flings were nothing serious or even earth shattering, if he had to be truthful. Then on their last drunken sexual fumbles Daniel had inadvertently let the cat out of the bag.

“Jack and I were once lovers.”


“Forget I said that,” Daniel muttered, and Rodney could tell even in his drunken state that Jackson had not meant to let this information slip. Then watching the man try and cover his mistake made McKay’s brain hurt. “Hypotheically speaking if I had been or was at some point in time involved with… it was before Jack became a General. That is hypothetical mind you.”

“I think that is something very significant to know but also best to pretend I didn’t hear. It’s not good that you hypotheisoly, hell I can’t say the word right either. Do you think that means we have developed alcohol poisoning? Oh, back on track…it would be best that I pretend I didn’t hear that you were possibly sleeping with a man that could kills, I mean kill me, and no one ever know I was dead. Why would they not know I’m dead you ask, well it would because they would never find the body.”

If he had known that Jackson and O’Neill had ‘that’ kind of history there might never had been a Jackson and McKay, as in a ‘Jackson and McKay’ moment in time. Then the pesky ex-lover General had to come to visit when Daniel was also at the outpost. It was not one of Rodney’s fondest memories.

“It seems Jack wants to try and make us work again,” Daniel sighed as he sipped on his beer.

“What do you want?” Rodney asked, worried for his friend.

“Funny you should ask that.” Daniel snorted. “I’m tired of the games that come with having to keep it a secret. But, then again, I do care about him so it’s something I can deal with if he’s serious about making it work this time.”

“What if you both want and could make it work? I mean tell him no seeing other people, and lots and lots of phone sex. He visits you here. You visit him there. You both need to realize if he’s who you want and you’re who he wants then sacrifices need to be made by both of you.”

“Rodney, that would mean no more private buddy time for us,” Daniel reminded him.

“Please, a lot of great kissing and mutual hand jobs does not mean we’re dating or in a meaningful relationship. It just means you had too much beer and I had more on multiple occasions. I’m just glad we can handle it like two adults and never really talk about it and will go on being mutually frustrated colleagues.” Rodney reached down to grab his beer before settling back in the chair in Daniel’s office.

“Just colleagues?”

“Fine, more than colleagues…better friends without the sex. The sex just complicates things if we happened to be sober. Good thing blowjobs were not involved.”

“True, then it would’ve complicated things.” Daniel nodded.

“Yes, exactly, especially since ‘I want you back’ Jack is wanting back into the picture,” Rodney replied. “Then, I really don’t know how you’ve put up with me as long as you have.”

“What can I say? It would seem you’ve grown on me.” Daniel chuckled. “There is the alcohol factor to take into consideration.

“I will always be me,” Rodney said with a shrug of his shoulders. “So it’s a safe bet alcohol will always be involved.”

“I think I should warn you that Jack might know about us.”

Rodney’s eyes grew big as he said, “I’m a walking dead man. They won’t be able to find the body which means you will be in charge of taking care of my cat.”

“Allergic, remember?”

“Antihistamines now come in non-drowsy formulas,” Rodney suggested with a ‘don’t make me hurt you’ expression.

“I’ll make sure Jack doesn’t kill you.”

“Tell him about taking care of the cat and the allergies. He might think twice and not kill me if it means he has to become a step-owner to a feline creature.” Rodney offered. “Me, and let be again stress the ‘me’ portion, and my cat would love you for it.”

“Should I be worried you two are plotting some diabolical scheme that involves McKay’s cat?” Jack asked from the doorway making Rodney’s eyes grow huge and Daniel choke on his beer.

“Dead man, dead, dead, dead,” McKay muttered as he turned to see the jealous anger in the General’s eyes. “I’m just saying that if I die then Daniel inherits my cat.”

“Then I guess we should make sure you stay alive then,” Jack replied as he joined them.

“I’ll be going now and let the two of you catch up on---whatever it is you both need to catch up on.” Rodney stood to leave looked over at Daniel and said, “Remember, my cat is depending on you to keep me alive.”

“Don’t worry, McKay. I’m a dog man myself.” Jack chuckled, but Rodney could see the warning, ‘stay away from my Daniel’, in the man’s eyes, or it could be he was just being paranoid.

Rodney took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The thought of Daniel bugging Jack to get Rodney back into the program could be why Jack was getting involved. It could be that Jack was going kill him for it. “So help me God, if Jack kills me I will haunt their bedroom for as long they both live.”

Seeing Nellie’s parking lot Rodney wondered if there was any chance of eating. Just the thought of food made his mouth water, but not from want of said food, more like ‘I will regurgitate’ kind of warning. By the look of things, Jack was already there. Rodney parked between a couple of standard military sedans.


“I’m telling you I’ve never been so scared in my life.” Carson looked at Ronon and continued, “and I blame it all on Rodney and his obsession with that damn chair.”

“Hey, be the one on the receiving end of your first time activating the chair.” John pointed his finger at the doctor fighting back a grin. “I even had a general on board.”

“Yes, again it’s all Rodney’s fault. I told him I wasn’t the right one to put in the chair.” Carson chuckled.

“And lucky for you I became the champion of the chair,” John said with a grin.

Carson turned relieved eyes toward John and said, “Aye, that is very true. If you had not come along I would be Rodney’s ATA toy. I think we would still be in the bowels of Antarctica and I’m not sure how sane I would’ve been.”

“McKay is an ATA taskmaster,” John agreed remembering the first time he met Dr. Rodney McKay. “He is a force of nature.”

“Asgard alert,” Ronon warned.

John tried not to laugh at Dex when he noticed that Hermiod was approaching their table. It was funny how the little alien guy was not afraid of the really big alien. At t least one of them wore clothes, not much at times, but still covered the areas that needed covering.

“Colonel Sheppard, Mr. Dex, and Dr. Beckett, I was hoping for a moment of your time.”

“What can we do for you, Hermiod?” Sheppard asked.

“Can you relay a message to Dr. McKay for me?” the Asgard asked.

“I’m sure he’d be happy to hear from you,” John replied, finding it funny how neither Carson nor Ronon could look directly at the little gray creature.

“Tell him he is missed. I had asked General Landry if I could borrow him but was denied.”

“I’ll be sure to let him know when we see him,” John replied trying to keep a straight face on the borrowing part. From the others' expression they were having a hard time with it as well. “I’ll run it past General O’Neill that you’d like to borrow McKay, but only if you promise to give him back.”

“I would have no reason to keep him longer than I would need him to go over some calculations he gave me,” Hermiod replied. “I must get back to the bridge. By my calculations we will arrive at your destination ahead of schedule.”

“How ahead?” John asked, and noticed this had Ronon’s attention as well.

“By a day or a day and a half,” Hermiod replied.

“You’re a good Asgard, Hermi.” John felt some relief with the news, but he still could not shake the feeling that something bad was coming.

“I will let you know if there are any changes,” the Asgard said before turning to leave.

“Good news,” Carson said while looking down at his tray of unfinished food.

“Is it man or woman?” Ronon asked. “I still don’t get that.”

“Not a higher evolution I’m looking for,” John snorted, “I like having my manly parts, and keeping them covered in public.”

“A kilt would do,” Carson chuckled.

“What’s a kilt?” Ronon asked.

“A manly skirt for men like Carson.” John grinned.

“So, do you think he’s going to like seeing us?” Carson asked with a tremor of doubt in his voice that John understood very well.

“Won’t matter,” John replied. “He’ll just have to learn to live with it.”

“Or have it beat into him." Ronon snorted, causing John to look at the larger man and laugh.

“Giving McKay that ‘Ronon’ evil stare will do the trick,” John replied, seeing both men nod and grin in agreement.

Carson looked knowingly between the two men and said, “I can now see what Rodney means about working with the adolescent pubescent.”

“Like McKay should talk since he has the temperament of a 3 year old at times,” John replied with an 'I’m innocent’ expression that made Ronon shake his head and glare at them.


“Unscheduled activation,” Chuck announced, “It’s Major Lorne’s IDC”.

“Open the Iris, and let them come home.” Elizabeth ordered, knowing her vacation from Hagan was over.

Teyla returned first followed by Hagan with Lorne and his team bringing up the rear. The look on the woman’s face said so much. The Athosian was clearly irritated. If Elizabeth were betting woman, she would put her money on Hagan being the irritant.

“Welcome back, I’m sure the trading was a success,” Elizabeth greeted them with a smile.

“It went well, and Major Lorne was most helpful,” Teyla replied with a discrete smile directed at the Major.

“We must talk about who is in charge on these missions. I feel my power was usurped during this mission, and it started with Colonel Sheppard.” Hagan started to rant. “Where is the colonel, by the way, I would like to get this dealt with as soon as possible.”

“Dr. Hagan, I’m sure we can settle this quickly. When it comes to off world missions, the military team leader is in charge, especially if it is Colonel Sheppard,” Elizabeth replied. “Teyla handles trade negotiations in conjunction with the team leader, but ultimately I’m the last word.”

“Where is Colonel Sheppard?” Hagan asked. She could see the anger in his eyes.

“That will be discussed at the briefing, after everyone has had their medical follow up.” Elizabeth nodded toward Major Lorne.

“Dr. Weir we should clear medical in about 2 hours,” Major Lorne replied.

“Then we all will convene in the conference room in 2 hours,” Elizabeth ordered, and watched as everyone nodded before leaving.

Elizabeth knew they needed time to assess if Hagan was working with anyone else on Atlantis. It would take some time to monitor the fine doctor’s social and other, interactions. Radek had set it up so they could closely monitor the man’s email. He had even arranged that they could video record most of his movements so that they might see who he met with.

Walking toward the steps it was hard not to wonder if they were too late in protecting Atlantis from the enemy. Elizabeth prayed that they were not too late and that Hagan was the only traitor. It would seem that Rodney’s life might depend on it as well.

author: spikespet7

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