Fic :Ngghhh (nc-17)

Aug 23, 2010 06:50

Author: melagan
rating: nc-17
Mistakes = mine
Summary: PWP


“I’ll just take that as a ‘carry on, Dr. McKay’, shall I? Thought so.” Rodney licked his lips then bent down to -- carry on.


Rodney swallowed, working his throat time and again over the demanding heat of John’s cock until he had him so deep Rodney could press his face against the wiry hair of John’s groin.


Rodney chucked. John swore it was an evil little laugh and it vibrated through his whole body. It took every ounce of strength John possessed not to grind up into Rodney’s face.

“There, there, Colonel; I’m not even at the good part yet.”

John blinked. The good part? “This is good. I like this. Don’t stop.” At least, John thought he said the words. Possibly, it had come out sounding more like ‘fukiiiguuuuhh.’ Just to be on the safe side, John curled his fingers over the back of Rodney’s warm, sweaty neck to encourage him to stay right where he was. He spread his legs wider, encouraging Rodney to nestle in and make himself at home. Satisfied he’d made his point, John laid his head back and let Rodney take over.

Oh, fuck. Fingers. Rodney’s fingers. Blunt, solid, and fully targeted on their path, they slid up behind his balls. John jumped -- not far, not with Rodney’s weight pinning him down. Still, it was enough so that his cock slipped out of McKay’s mouth and skittered up the side of Rodney’s face, leaving a spit wet trail over evening-soft stubble.

“I can’t. Rodney, I’m gonna come. I need… I need…”

“What, John? Just ask and you can have it. Anything.”

“Your face. Your fingers. I want… I ...”

“Close your eyes.”

“What? No, Rodney. No. No eyes closing. I want to see. You -- you don’t know how good you look -- my cock rubbing against your face -- I can tell you want it. I know you do.”

Rodney moaned in answer, soft, and desperate. The sound made something hot and primal, something that echoed with claims of mine, curl in John’s gut. He held his breath as Rodney’s eyes fluttered shut and he turned toward John, rubbing not his cheek, but his mouth, his eyelashes, and the fragile skin of his eyelids against the heavy, stiff weight of John’s cock.

John stared at the sight in front of him, trying to hold back just a little longer. At this moment, Rodney was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. His mouth was soft and still wet from sucking John’s cock. His lips were reddened from the eager, wanton abuse he’d inflicted on himself as he’d tried to get more of John, as he’d drawn him in, sucking hard and deep as though John were something he could swallow whole.

Beads of sweat trickled down from his brow and John watched, riveted by the sight, as the drops mixed with the salty wetness of John’s precome, smearing a slick trail over Rodney’s cheekbones. He was still hanging onto the back of Rodney’s neck, his fingers twisting into the barely-there curls as his other hand fisted in the sheets.

Rodney’s hand snuck up from somewhere and he gripped John’s cock, holding it in place while he rubbed his face on it like a goddamned cat. John whimpered.


“In a minute. I’m busy.”

John’s fingers curled tighter in the sheet. He was going to survive this and then he was going to get even. He was going to - well, apparently he was going hitch his leg up higher to give Rodney’s fingers better access.

“Bear down for me, John. Just a little. I’d like to do this without spraining my wrist.”

“You…ah…glutton…punishment…nngghhh.” John couldn’t remember what he was trying to say, not with two of Rodney’s fingers buried inside him, moving, and stroking against John’s sweet spot. Rodney picked that exact moment to lick a stripe up the underside of John’s cock, and suddenly, it was too much sensual input. Too much, too much, and John arched, his body seeking to be closer to Rodney even as his orgasm carried him over a white hot edge.

More bone-loose than he could ever remember being in his life, John needed to ground himself in Rodney’s touch. He was right there, right where he should be, and John couldn’t take his eyes off him as Rodney moved his hand firmly over his own cock. It was thick and hard and it made John’s mouth water to look at it.

The words burst out of John before he could think of stopping them. “C’mon Rodney, just a little more. Damn, you look so good like that. C’mere, come on me. I want you to.”

Rodney’s eyes flew open and with a short, sharp gasp, his cock jerked in his hand and he came hard, spunk hitting John in the belly and chest. “Ngghhh…”

John carded his fingers gently through Rodney’s hair and grinned. “I know what you mean, buddy. I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

author: melagan, genre: pwp - plot what plot, rating: nc-17

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