Consequences Chapter Eight

Jun 28, 2010 22:57

Title: Consequences
Author: Kimber
Warning: None in this Chapter
Rating: M/M Sex


Rodney looked up at the clock and swore, “Fuckers…it’s now 2:15. Can you please come and put me out of my misery before I need a cane and Depends? I need to stop in town before sequestering myself back in my ‘as close to nature as I’ll ever get’ home away from home.”

The idiotic behavior of the military was getting on his nerves. Rodney stood up to stretch his lower back. He started to pace as his thoughts started to race, feeling a tad claustrophobic. The memories of his failures kept invading his mind, uninvited and unwanted. It was like a slide show in his brain of everything he had done wrong in vivid color. The only thing missing was an audience and popcorn.

Rodney could still hear Grodin and Miller’s voices as if it were yesterday, back at the LaGrange Point Satellite. Peter Grodin’s death was just another black mark against his not so stellar career. He never should have left the outside panel without doing a system’s check. It was a rookie mistake, and it definitely was not the work of a genius. God, who was he fooling in thinking he was the smartest in anything anymore?

In addition, he had broken Sheppard’s most important rule of ‘never leave a man behind’. He should have gone back up and worked on getting the docking station up and running. Just another McKay fuck up that supported the reason he was no longer a part of the Stargate Program. It also supported the IOA accusation that a he was a very poor leader.

Glaring up at the clock, he wished he could make the time do something in his favor, like speed up and make this day finally end. All the game playing was agitating him. Up until now, they had always been on time. They could be doing this just to stress him, so he would do or say something stupid that would get him into more trouble. It would fit with what he had come to know about the IOA and some of the Stargate personnel.

It dawned on him that something bad might have happened. Tilting his head back, Rodney silently prayed no one had been hurt while he was back here bitching about his wait time.

The thought that something awful might be happening, right under his nose, brought back the memories. Rodney could hear the shaky fear in Peter’s voice, and see the understanding of what it all meant in Miller’s face. The sudden static coming from what should have been the British scientist’s radio transmission, mixed with the large flash of light in space, and it was over. Just like that, in the blink of an eye, the satellite was in pieces and spiraling deeper into space. Peter Grodin was no more. Rodney had another death to add to his growing list of failures. He knew better. He should have checked to make sure everything was in working order before leaving that control panel.

“God, Elizabeth, why in the hell did you hire me?” Rodney barely whispered, right before dropping to the chair and cradling his head in his hands.


Bates looked over at Landry and Davis and said with a glint in his eyes, “I think he’s ready to be interrogated.” Woolsey his IOA counter part was quietly standing off to the side and for once being very quiet.

“Just so you know, I’m not happy with this tactic of yours,” Landry growled, looking at the shell of the man he remembered coming through the gate a few months back.

“I’m in agreement with you, General,” Davis replied. He turned to Bates saying, “I get the feeling this is rather personal for you Mr. Bates. It was my understanding that the SGC was in charge of Dr. McKay’s follow ups.”

“They were until we got word that the ex-doctor was trying to sneak back into the science community,” Mr. Woolsey explained, with a disgusted expression that was starting to piss Davis off.

“I’m still appalled at your methods,” Landry argued turning toward Woolsey. “The man is not the enemy, and what happened to innocent until proven guilty?”

“Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me I have a call I need to make.” Davis announced as he took one last look at Dr. McKay, “Please don’t start without me, I’ll only be a few minutes.”

“We will give you time for that phone call,” Woolsey agreed, and Davis took note of the frustrated expression on Bates’ face.

In his mind, the man on the other side of the one-way mirror was still the brilliant Dr. McKay. The Major decided to make that call to General O’Neill on Rodney’s behalf. Something was starting to stink about this whole ordeal today. Paul had to wonder if the Canadian Government had a clue about what was going on with their scientist. The idea that Bates was somehow involved in getting Rodney removed from the Stargate Program had his gut screaming ‘danger, danger’.




“IOA has taken the lead with Dr. McKay’s follow-up visit, and it’s not pretty,” Davis explained. He pulled the phone away from his ear before he developed permanent damage.

“What the hell are those bastards up to now?” Jack raised his voice and in Paul’s mind, he could see the General rubbing a hand over his face in frustration.

“I’m thinking a certain IOA representative is working behind the scenes for someone else,” Paul offered up his opinion, knowing both their lines were secure.

“Oh please, share, Major. You’re really getting the hang of this spy stuff.” Jack’s sarcastic remark made him chuckle. “I just thought I’d let you know… kind of a ‘on the go’ evaluation. Just remind me at your annual review to put it on that thingy we both have to sign.”

“The IOA brought in one of Colonel Sumner’s men by the name of Norman Bates-”

“You’re kidding me right? Someone named their kid Norman with the last name Bates? Does he look the type that would dress up like his mother and slash people up in a shower?” Jack’s tone was a mix of serious and joking. The irony of what the man was saying was somewhat funny, and yet scarily real.

“I would hope not, Sir. Nevertheless, he was the head of security during the first year on Atlantis until he was severely injured. Received an honorable discharge and then recruited by the IOA,” Davis further explained.

“So, I take it that this Bates is not a disciple of the ‘we love McKay’ club?” Jack asked, in a tone that said he was processing the evidence.

“That’s the impression I’m getting Sir,” the Major replied. “I think you will find it interesting that Rodney insists we start addressing him as mister instead of doctor. He says it’s because he’s no longer allowed to be a scientist.”

“I’m catching the next flight out. Are Carter and Jackson on base?”

“Sorry, they’re off world at the request of the IOA,” Davis replied not bothering to keep the anger out of his voice. “Just so you know the man looks pretty beat up. Let’s just say if Janet was alive she’d be taking names and kicking asses.”

“Stay in the interview. If they start bullying McKay, I want you to call a stop to it, on my orders. If Bates looks like he is going psycho on you shoot him, I’ll square it with Landry. Oh, and make sure he doesn’t have a knife or a wig,” Jack ordered. “I’m sending this order out in a mass email as well. I will not standby and let them use Dr. McKay. I’m going to make a quick call to Hayes. He needs to know that IOA is trying to rewrite the rule book, yet again.”

“And Hagan?”

“I have half the science department threatening to leave our Lost City if the man is not removed. Dr. Zelenka, I’m pretty sure he threatened my ancestors’ cattle, or something in the last email I received from him. How is your Czech?”

“I guess we need to get things moving along then. I’ll keep you posted and see you soon.”

“Davis, see what you can do to get SG-1 back home.”

“I will talk to General Landry about that and keep you posted.” Davis looked down at his watch to make sure he was not taking too much time. “I need to get back inside. Woolsey agreed to hold off on the interrogation while I made a phone call.”

“If you have to be an ass to protect McKay, you have my permission.” Jack’s tone was the most serious that Davis had heard in a long time.

“I’m prepared to channel you, General,” Paul replied and grinned at the man’s reply.

“Good man, Davis. One day you might grow up and be me.”

The Major disconnected the call with the intent to go into battle. He knew this could be something that could end his career, but truly believed it would be worth it. Atlantis needed a man like McKay with his knowledge and understanding of the Ancient, Wraith, and other technical sciences in Pegasus. Davis decided he would do what he had to do in order to save Earth.


John walked into his room heading straight for the closet. The first thing he pulled out, when he opened the door, was his duffle bag. Quickly he made his selections, choosing two field uniforms, two pairs of jeans, and two shirts. If he needed more, there would be a Sears or some kind of retail store he could get it from.

Having lived out of his duffel before, he knew it was better to roll than fold his clothes. Experience taught him there would be fewer wrinkles, and if needed he could pull something out of the bag and put it on in a hurry.

Next, he went over to the drawer and pulled out enough socks, t- shirts, and boxer briefs to last him at least 5 days. Taking the time to remember what the weather might be like he turned back toward the closet. Thinking the nights might be chilly in Colorado, he took out a couple of flannel shirts and his leather jacket.

Going back to the dresser, he wondered if he should take the orange fleece with him. Yes, people would know but only if they had worked during the doctor’s time at Antarctica. Picking up the soft fabric, he brought it up to his face. Leaning down he breathed deep, taking in what was left of his lover’s scent. Would someone ship it to him if he failed to return to Atlantis?

“Then with me you come.” John decided not to chance losing it. He rolled the fleece up and packed it in the duffle.

Taking a deep breath, he thought back to when Rodney first said the words that changed their relationship.

John entered his room feeling angry, dejected, and fearing he might have pushed the limits with McKay. The Colonel felt it was a safe bet that his geek was pretty pissed right now. It wasn’t like he had planned to turn the mission into a suicide run with the nuked up jumper. Finally, since winning the recent battle for Atlantis, he had the time to spend with his lover. Rodney was nowhere to be found, and currently not working on anything either. He had looked everywhere he thought McKay would be, twice in the mess hall.

Stepping further into his room, suddenly John knew he was not alone. Standing over by the window, looking disheartened, stood the man he had been looking for. This was the last place he figured to find the short-tempered man, since it was John’s earlier actions that made Rodney more irritable than usual.

“You didn’t even say goodbye or by your leave,” Rodney growled. “I never got to say I love you, and I always assumed you cared enough to consider my feelings. Nevertheless, we know what they say about assuming. Then again, I could be just wasting my time and energy right now.”

“Everyone I’ve said those words to have left me.” John replied, knowing this was the time to bring everything out into the open.

“The only way I’m leaving you is when I can’t breathe and my heart stops. It will not be of my own free will.” Rodney leaned his head against the window and sounded so lost that it broke John’s resolve.

“I love you, and the thought of leaving you behind was the most difficult decision I’ve ever made,” John vowed, as he moved forward, needing to feel his lover close. “I’ll be honest, in the back of my mind the thought might have been there. It’s hard to say since it all happened so fast, when I knew what I had to do to save those I care about.”

“Next time tell me goodbye. Give me the chance to tell you goodbye. Don’t leave me hanging like that again.” Rodney turned to face him and the pain in those blue eyes cut to the core.

“Only if I truly have no hope of coming back to you,” John compromised.

Rodney stepped forward with a hungry expression taking John’s face between his hands. Rubbing his thumbs across Sheppard’s cheeks with a tenderness that conveyed more than words just how much he loved him. Never had anyone looked at him with the emotion and feelings that he saw in Rodney’s eyes.

“Swore I’d never let anyone get this far under my skin. Not only did I break that vow, I had to choose a fucking hero who is willing to sacrifice his life for humanity. Not only that, he’s willing to die for people who could care less, and even less thankful as they continue wasting the life you gave in order for them to survive.”

“Rodney, I don’t believe you think they’re not worth saving,” John disagreed, hearing his lover do his normal ranting and complaining. “You’re worth saving.”

“As much as I appreciate that you feel that way, I’d rather you stayed and suffered with me. Just so you know I’m here to get my name in history books and win the Nobel Prize. Well, that was my plan until I found another reason for being here.” Rodney gently kissed his lips, before deepening the connection between them.

“What other reason is that?” John asked when they needed to breathe.

“Doing my duty and giving you that sense of hope, so you don’t get all Bruce Willis, ‘Armageddon’ on me again in the future,” Rodney replied, as he lifted and pulled John’s t- shirt up and over his head. “Just to give you fair warning, when I’m done making sure you’re real and not my imagination, you won’t walk for a week. It’s the least I can do, and you can handle, for making me care about things…about you, more than I should.”

“God, you know how to make a man grateful for being alive,” John groaned his submission, knowing he could give himself over to his lover. Trusted that when he fell, that Rodney would be there to catch him and put him back together again.

“I’m grateful every day we live to fight another day,” Rodney reaffirmed as he worked John’s pants open as he dropped to his knees.

“Fuck me.” John hissed as a moist heat surrounded his dick.

Too soon, that heat disappeared as hands worked to untie his boots. Putting his hand on Rodney’s shoulder for balance, the boots became history, followed by socks, pants, and his briefs.

As he gave John’s cock one last swipe of the tongue before standing, Rodney promised, “Hard and fast, I want to hear you hiss and pant, and feel your breath against my skin. I need to see your eyes begging me for release, and feel your lips open for my tongue. When I mark your skin, and run my tongue over your neck, I want to taste your sweat and feel your heartbeat.”

“I want to feel you, all of you,” John gasped, as he made fast work on getting his lover over to the bed, stripping the man of his clothes as they went. “Hard and fast sounds good to me.”

John found himself on his back with his lover’s warm body lying on top of him. He found it comforting and yet so arousing, just the two of them sharing the intimacy of the moment. The ‘I love you’ had been said, and the weight of holding that back was lifted, giving him the freedom to actually think about the ‘R’ word. He had never believed he would want a relationship with another human being again, let alone a man.

The scrape of stubble against his neck gave him goose bumps and sent a chill down his spine. The string of licks and soft bites that trailed across his collar bone to the inside of his left arm sent blood rushing to his cock.

“Rodney, Jesus,” John groaned, at the surprise of finding it erotic having his lover suck and mark the inside of his bicep.

It probably helped how slowly Rodney was rubbing against his dick. The coarse body hair teasing the oversensitive shaft was pushing him closer to the edge. He could cum just from this alone, and it would feel like Heaven when he did. No one ever played his body like his scientist could. He briefly wondered if it was the same for Rodney.

“Mine, all mine,” Rodney muttered as he moved his cheek against John’s chest and against his left nipple.

The facial stubble against his sensitive nub caused him to moan. Placing his hands up over his head to rest on the bed was a show of submission, giving Rodney total access to his body.

“Yours,” John replied, sucking in his breath as lips, tongue, and teeth played with the erect nubbin.

Wrapping his legs around his lover’s waist gave him a better angle to arch and press against his loving tormentor. He discovered his lover had other plans when he felt a playful slap on his right buttocks.

“My game. Now stop distracting me, and put your legs down.” Rodney moved over to take the right nipple and repeat the sweet process. “I’m the artist and you’re my masterpiece.”

“Love your brush technique,” John sighed, as he reached over to massage his lover’s neck with one hand and rub his hand back and forth on Rodney’s shoulder with the other.

“I haven’t shown you my master stroke yet. Be patient, my sweet, and you will be amazed.” Rodney snickered.

“And you tell me I have the corny pick up lines.” John chuckled, loving this side of Rodney he rarely got to see.

“You must be rubbing off on me,” Rodney replied, as he started to move lower, which tortured Sheppard’s engorged shaft even more.

“Shit that feels so good, just you moving down my body like that.”

“How does this feel?” Rodney asked before alternating licking and rubbing his evening stubble along John’s cock.

“Jesus, fuck, you’re trying to kill me…but in a good way.” John shifted his hands so he could grab the sheets, not Rodney’s hair, as his hips arched up.

“No, I’m just reminding you there is something here to come back to.”

“Remind away,” John moaned, as he felt the cool touch of a lubed finger at his entrance. “God, yes,” he hissed when that same finger breached his hole in one go.

“I’m going to make you burn for me, with me,” Rodney whispered before taking the tip of John’s cock and sucking it.

John wanted more, and needed it to burn. Rodney wasn’t the only one needing a reminder that they both were alive and not living a death dream.

“Burn, burn, burn,” John rambled, unable to say more as he was being sucked and finger fucked.

When it all stopped, the loss felt raw and he felt lost without their connection. He now understood how addicts felt on not getting their high.


“Shush, babe, I’m not close to being finished with you.” John felt a smile form at hearing Rodney call him babe.

The weight of his lover’s body shifted, bringing John’s legs over Rodney’s shoulders. Feeling the blunt head of Rodney’s cock nudging his opening was breathtaking. Slowly his lover’s cock stretched and filled him, and it was the most exhilarating feeling John had ever experienced. The burn was a mix of pleasure with just enough pain, to make it fit with what they both needed right now.

“So good, so good,” Rodney chanted under his breath.

John lost himself in the sensation that made him feel like he was flying. Leaning up he wrapped his hand behind his lover’s neck and pulled his face close. “Harder… faster… burn… master stroke.” Then they kissed dirty, with mouth, and tongue as Rodney started to thrust in and out as commanded.

Falling back, Sheppard let himself soar, giving himself totally over to the artist’s hands. The need to cum was greater than he had ever felt before as he met that demanding cock thrust for thrust. He reached his hand over to help his dick find relief, only to have it slapped away.

“My…cock,” Rodney growled and then shifted so he was going deeper, hitting that special spot, and soon John was seeing spots as he came so hard he passed out.

God, when he woke up later that night, it was to find Rodney had cleaned them both up and was worrying that he had done something wrong. As a reward, John blew him before they settled in to sleep.

The next day he had to live with the smug look on Rodney’s face when John could not manage to sit still for very long. John shook himself from the daydream. He would need to visit the little boy’s room before leaving.

author: spikespet7

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