Last Epilogue in the Pegasus Purgatorio novel, by MrsHamill, rated adult

Jan 20, 2010 16:15

Epilogue Plus Two: Hitchhikers by MrsHamill
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: Adult
Summary: Nothing but pure, unadulterated fluff on board the Heart of Gold.
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat. Especially not to Arthur or Zaphod.
Series: From Pegasus Purgatorio -- epilogue plus two
Notes: This is the last story in the Purgatorio novel, the one I alluded to in the epilogue -- and it is utter, unredeemable schmoop, very nearly plotless, and has so many in-jokes and cameos it's ridiculous. If you don't believe me about bengal cats, I refer you to YouTube and many, many videos about bengals and their shenanigans. Anyone who wants the chocolate mayonnaise cake recipe, email me and it's yours. Many, many thanks to Gnat and Kisa for their editorial work, they make me a better writer, even when I don't wanna be. Praise them if it's good, but it's my fault if it stinks.

Link to story takes you to my website: Hitchhikers

For the full story, Pegasus Purgatorio

series, rating: nc-17, author: mrshamill

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