YouTube Recs!

Nov 15, 2009 19:22

I'm usually a fluff and comedy type of person but lately I've been on a McShep angst and dark!fic binge and figured I'd see if I could find any good angst fanvids over on YouTube. Turns out I found a lot, and I couldn't stick to just angst, so I decided to share some of my favorites. Note: None of these are mine! I am only reccing them.

Thanks For The Memories
Doesn't make much sense unless you read the info. Basically, John and Rodney sleep together but John leaves before Rodney wakes up and kisses Elizabeth to prove he's not attracted to Rodney. Rodney, of course, has to take it a step further so they end up making passes at other people during the day but still going to each other at night. I like it because they absolutely would do this. Also, rated M for sex scenes. *waggles eyebrows*

Four Years
John's loved Rodney for years before he puts his heart on the line. The lyrics make me cry for John.

Rodney is cheating on John with Carson and it's killing John so Rodney has to make a choice. This may tip beyond just angst and into dark. Definitely heartbreaking.

This says so much in such a short vid. Different because it's not the song telling the story, it's their actual words, and Rodney's voice cracking at the end makes me hurt every time.

Crack! With Torchwood! Really short but worth it. Innuendo and some semi-naked kissing.

You'll be in my heart
Not McShep! This is McBeck and quite possibly the sweetest vid I've ever seen that includes Rodney, there's so much heart here. It really gets the essence of them, individually and as a pairing, and makes me miss Carson so bad!


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