What Happens In Vegas (2/10) by savingfaith333 (NC-17)

Aug 11, 2009 13:25

Title: What Happens in Vegas (2/10)
Author: savingfaith333
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dean/Cas (SPN) & Sheppard/McKay (SGA)
Spoilers: Blanket spoilers for all aired episodes of both Supernatural and Stargate: Atlantis, just to be safe.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters. At all. Not one little bit.
Word Count: Roughly 75,000 words over ten chapters (story is complete)
Summary: A Wraith is loose in Las Vegas, and when the Atlantis team stumbles across a couple of detectives already on the case, two guys who ride around in a ’67 Impala and look nothing like local PD, they quickly come to the conclusion that things would go a lot more smoothly if they all just worked together. But things are crumbling around them fast, the ground slipping away beneath their feet, and it forces both John Sheppard and Dean Winchester to the same eventual realization: it’s time to stop lying to themselves, once and for all.
Previous Parts: Part One

Note: This fic is complete and will be posted on a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday schedule for the next three weeks.

You don't need to watch Supernatural to enjoy this fic, but if you'd like some background information on the show, check out the Supernatural Cliff's Notes entry I made.

“Why do we always have to work with Joe Local on these things,” Rodney is complaining as they make their way out of the dry, desert heat and into the cold, stale air of the off-site headquarters the SGC was kind enough to set up for them. And the words when have we ever had to work with the locals go ambling through John’s head as he lets McKay’s rant wash over him like a warm breeze.

series, rating: nc-17, genre: crossover, author: savingfaith333

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