Fic: Networked by the_cephalopod - J/R (NC-17)

Jul 31, 2009 20:33

Title: Networked
Author: the_cephalopod
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Word Count: ~52,000
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, they are not mine...
Warnings:: None
Acknowledgements: As always, many thanks go to my wonderful betas: sgamadison for her support all the way along with this story and, not least, for ensuring John didn't head off into psycho territory. Also to zinfic for her sterling work pointing out my wonky tenses. All remaining mistakes are my own.

Author's Notes: Written for the utterly lovely bluespirit_star for the handmade meme that was going around *ages* ago. She wanted pining!John and oblivious!Rodney and I have done my best to oblige! ♥

Summary: John wasn't the most open of people at the best of times and sharing his mind with Rodney McKay was certainly the one thing he didn't need...

Read Networked.

author: the_cephalopod, genre: romance, rating: nc-17, genre: action/adventure, genre: first time

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