Fic: Day 15 and 16 of Sex on the Fly NC-17 both

Jun 16, 2009 23:27

Backyard-Day 15 of Sex on the Fly

Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1,124
Disclaimer: They’re not mine; I’m just playing with them.
Summary: He looked at his watch, there was still three hours until Rodney was due home, that would give John plenty of time to get everything ready.
 Sorry for any mistakes!

Armory-Day 16 of Sex on the Fly

Rated: NC-17
Word Count: 1,038
Disclaimer: They’re not mine; I’m just playing with them.
Summary: Rodney walked silently into the armory and found John standing in front of the ammo cabinet with a clipboard. There was something about John with a clipboard that had always turned Rodney on.

A/N: I’ve been so behind and not feeling well so I haven’t had time to get these stories to Beta before they’re due. I hope to get ahead this weekend… but who knows. Please forgive any mistakes!
Thank you!

author: fawkesielady_ed, genre: romance, genre: established relationship, genre: pwp - plot what plot, rating: nc-17

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