outfoxed (g) fairy tale au by cesare almostnever

Feb 19, 2009 04:04

Title: Outfoxed
Author: Cesare (almostnever)
Pairing: John/Rodney
Ratings/Warnings: Work-safe, nothing here but a little fairy-tale gruesomeness.
Word count: 10,000+
Notes: Thanks to anatsuno for betaing!
Summary: Fairy tale AU, based on The Golden Bird.
"I guess it makes sense you'd be magical," John said, enjoying the Fox's exasperated growl and annoyed muttering ( Read more... )

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Comments 85

synekdokee February 19 2009, 13:01:28 UTC
Oh this was just lovely :> I'm sorry I don't have anything constructive or witty to say, but I really loved this, especially Rodney's lines.


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:46:55 UTC
That was very constructive to me! Thank you. :-)


mirabile_dictu February 19 2009, 14:02:53 UTC
You wrote it! And I love it! What great characterization, and the last sentence is my favorite ending ever. Beloved and blessed, indeed. Thank you for this delight!


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:47:27 UTC
I finished it, for a miracle! :-) So glad you liked it.


melagan February 19 2009, 14:48:01 UTC
Richly done! Rodney's sharp tongue & John cheerful casualness was perfect for this fairy tale


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:47:53 UTC
Thank you very much! That's great to hear.


incidental_fire February 19 2009, 15:07:06 UTC
Hee hee. So cute! I just love Rodney as an enchanted fox. Delightful.


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:48:10 UTC
Thank you! :-)


lavvyan February 19 2009, 15:37:38 UTC
Hee! I recently read a variation of this and so I knew what would happen, mostly, but I wasn't sure of the direction you were going to take it, but oh! John on his orchestrated quest and poor Rodney unable to turn back, and John not quite trusting him but killing him anyway (and yes, I'm aware this sounds nuts), and the bird and the horse and everyone and just, so much love! ♥

This was marvellous, start to finish.


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:49:15 UTC
After all the beautiful fairy tale and fantasy AUs you've done, it means a lot to hear this from you. :-) Thank you very much!


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